The Beauty of Flexible Dieting: I Live to Eat

Beauty of Flexible Dieting: I Live to Eat


I find it extremely difficult to restrain myself from eating good food since almost everything in this country is pretty affordable (and delicious at the same time). Also, I was brought up by a father that has always said, “We are warriors, you and I. We live to eat! It’s never the other way around”. So I’m definitely no stranger to eating “well”, especially when food looks this good:

Beauty of Flexible Dieting

The Beauty of Flexible Dieting

Beauty of Flexible Dieting
But just like any consenting adult, I worry about turning out too unhealthy that I won’t be able to live life the way I want to. This is why I’m thankful for the wonderful lifestyle called “Flexible Dieting”: having the ability to eat what you want and at the same time maintain (or possibly lose) weight. This basically revolves around keeping track of your macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat) and making sure you get your daily ration of micronutrients (otherwise known as your vitamins and minerals). (For a more detailed look into flexible dieting, visit

Paired with this wonderful passage to the foodie promised land is actually living a healthy and active lifestyle. I go to the gym 4-5 days a week and only take an hour to an hour and a half doing compound workouts, including dead lifts, squats, and all of the manly-sounding workouts you might know.

One myth that annoys me is how people claim that when you lift heavy as a woman, you’ll end up looking like a man with bulky biceps. Note to all of the girls reading this: it takes more than just lifting heavy to look like a man. Mainly, this can happen with the help of ‘roods. Generally speaking, though, a woman’s body is nothing like a man’s body that can easily gain muscle. Lifting heavy actually helps burn calories even on your days off from the gym. Read more about gym myths here: Gold’s Gym: The Ultimate Beginners’ Guide

Beauty of Flexible Dieting

With the common notion of women just being cardio bunnies in the gym lifting puny pink dumbells, it feels really liberating to be one of the few girlies in my favorite Gold’s Gym branch (the one in Glorietta) who can deadlift more than their own weight. Read our article on the Gold’s Gym Makati branch here: Gold’s Gym: A Place for the Girls, Too 

Beauty of Flexible Dieting

So, I ask you: is it really worth it to feel hungry almost all day long with your “clean eating” DIE-t? Is it worth it to always feel like you’re starving yourself to death to get results you can get at a faster rate with a different lifestyle? Is it worth it to feel like a zombie all day long?

Beauty of Flexible Dieting
Beauty of Flexible Dieting

Beauty of Flexible Dieting

With those questions, I shall leave you with deliciously beautiful food that I can eat on a daily basis. Suck on that.

Beauty of Flexible Dieting
Beauty of Flexible Dieting
Beauty of Flexible Dieting 
To get you started:
Go search for the IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) Calculator and download MyFitnessPal to get you started on your calorie-counting-journey.

Oh, and if you’re currently in a relationship that’s into fitness, you might want to check out this blog post about 5 fitness dating ideas for couples, as well.



The Beauty of Flexible Dieting: I Live to Eat