
Tatt Award Winners Full List, Trending on Twitter and a Huge Thanks to YOU our Supporters

Tatt Award Winners Full List, Trending on Twitter and a Huge Thanks to YOU our Supporters

An open note to the contributors, writers, photographers, videographers, readers, supporters, fans, friends and family of WhenInManila.com.

Last night, #wheninmanila was proudly named one of the top blogs in the country by a very elite list of people!

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Of the 100% possible score, there was a possible 70% that would come from the A-list judges / personalities who have made a huge impact in the Digital Landscape of the Philippines. This Tatt Council consisted of Abe Olandres, Anton Diaz, Bianca Consunji, Dong Ronquillo, Jim Paredes, Joey Mead King, Maria Ressa, BJ Pascual, Mikey Bustos, Bianca Gonzalez and TJ Manotoc.

There was also a 20% possible score from your โ€œsocial media influenceโ€ they attain from the number of readers, fans, followers and views you have. I assume we got a high score on this one from our 350,000 views per month and our 100,000+ fans on Facebook, etc.

Finally, there was a 10% possible score from votes in which our 200+ contributors went crazy and got into an all out voting spree with their friends and family.

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In the end, I can’t thank the members of WhenInManila.com enough! I know my photography skills are nowhere near the awesomeness of the professional and aspiring photographers we have! I’m really just the spokesperson for this! But the entire WIM family members are the real winners!

Thanks to the WIM people who were there last night as well, namely our Managing Editor, Mae Ilagan, Senior writersย  Kc Canlas and Angeline Rodriguez, and our favorite cartoon bloggers Ponggo and Tippy of the the Googly Gooeys.


And thanks to our wheninmanila team for putting in a plan to make us trend last night! It made things 100 times cooler when #wheninmanila started to trend. Also, thank you to our friends from Sofitel Manila and Spiral Buffet for the giveaways we had to help us trend – https://www.wheninmanila.com/globe-tatt-awards-2013-winners-wheninmanila-giving-away-spiral-buffet-gcs-to-you/

wheninmanila trending arrows short

Thanks also to the most influential mommy bloggers, Noemi Dado and Jane Uymatiao for always being our support team and cheerleaders!

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Of course thanks again to all of you for the votes, tweets, support and everything!

I share this award with all of you!

Hereโ€™s a full list Globe Tatt Awards Winners 2013:

Globe Tatt Awards Winners

Best Photo Blog or Microblog – WhenInManila.com

Blogger of the Year – The Professional Heckler

Trending Twitter Phenom of the Year – Kimpoy Feliciano

YouTube Phenom of the Year – I Love Jamich

Instagram Phenom of the Year –ย Patrick Dee

Best Social Media Movement –ย Gawad Kalinga

Best Comedy on Youtube – Lloyd Cadena

Best Music on YouTube – Abra TV

Best Style Blog – DG MNL

Best Sports Blog or Microblog – Takbo.ph

Best Tech Blog or Podcast – Unbox Podcast

Best Travel or Food Blog – Filipino Recipes Portal

Future Perfect: The Young Star Blog of the Year – Stache Magazine

Best Podcast (User Generated Category) โ€“ Becky Nights

Tatt Awards Pilipinas Regional Winners:


Tatt Triple Threat – Philippine Street Fashion

Blogger Phenom – Carlo Villarica

Twitter Phenom – Esteban Escudero and Max Surban


Tatt Triple Threat – Algene Cutamora

Blogger Phenom – AJ Perez

Twitter Phenom – Naprey Almario

To see some of our best photos that led to this award, you can check โ€“https://www.wheninmanila.com/best-photo-blog-or-microblog-wheninmanila-best-photos-portfolio


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Tatt Award Winners Full List, Trending on Twitter and a Huge Thanks to YOU our Supporters