
Ryan Reynolds is Sticking Around as Deadpool for the MCU

Disney’s acquisition of Fox got fans excited becauseย finally, the X-Men can be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, everything is up in the air regarding the future of the mutants in their new home. Marvel Studios execs have even expressed that they’re not in any hurry to bring in the gang for the MCU. Still, there have been rumors surrounding a recast of the beloved mutants, one of which involves Taron Egerton (Kingsman, Rocketman) possibly playing Wolverine.

ryan reynolds deadpool mcu

However, according to The Hollywood Reporter, Marvel intends to keep Ryan Reynolds onboard as Deadpool. This makes him possibly the only X-Man to survive the Fox acquisition. There’s been a lot of theories about how the Merc with the Mouth could join the MCU; but one thing’s for sure, he’s going to show up eventually. Right now, people believe that he’s either going to have a huge role in the following films or he’s going to play along the outskirts of the franchise and do his own thing, much like he has done in Fox.

For further proof that Deadpool is going to join the MCU, Disney added the anti-hero to their company banner on their website a couple of months ago. It feels strange seeing him right beside Mickey Mouse but, hey, he’s found a new home and we can’t wait to see what he does with the place.


[ALSO READ: Jason Momoa Wants to Play Wolverine in the Marvel Cinematic Universe]

How do you think Deadpool is going to make his first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?