
Behind the Filter Factor: “NO FILTER: Let’s Talk about ME” Explores Millennials

Ambitious, driven, playful, creative and… slightly sucked in the head are among the traits generation Y has adapted from their hyper-connected environment. What better way to delve into their heads than through whip-smart monologues?

The world’s most problematic generation had many to say about themselves (which they love: talking about themselves) in local performing arts company The Sandbox Collective’s NO FILTER: Let’s Talk About ME” in RCBC Theater, Makati City, a multimedia monologue ABOUT millennials, BY millennials, and FOR millennials starring Jasmine Curtis-Smith, Lauren Young, Cai Cortez, Saab Magalona-Bacarro, Sarah Facuri, Khalil Kaimo, Micah Muñoz and Mikael Daez and directed by Toff De Venecia (Dani Girl,The Boy in the Bathroom).

Behind the filter factor: “NO FILTER: Let's talk about ME" explores millennials

A viewer may first perceive that the play aims in glorifying generation WHY; coming to its defense from being touted as narcissistic, lazy, selfish, etc. with the play opening with the barkada hanging out and reading about these labels on an article from TIME magazine. But no filters were used, yes; the play plots millennials prattling on about their innermost thoughts: #regrets, confusion and insecurities behind the glossy presets that our age is veiled with.

No Filter

There’s Best Chance which struck a chord on those who are so giddy to soar despite how parents would reiterate how comfty and warm and cushiony it is in the safe zone. With all the #YOLO and memes on seizing the day, millennials won’t sit still, nope. Saab had a STUNNER of a moment as a 25-year old who ‘faked her own death.’ The Interview was intense in its own quirky way, with Jasmine’s Anxiety and Self-Esteem voice battling it out in two screens. The lines and choreography in Intimacy with Micah and Sarah accurately displayed how blurred the lines have become in love nowadays. The laugh-out-loud-funny Love Me Tinder fitted Sarah’s chops; it’s not surprising she noted this segment in the talk-back session.

Then there’s the quiet desperation in the question posed in Coming of Age, ‘Where IS my coming of age?’  which cuts deep as well. The improv Apps you should check out right now with Khalil featuring Junkstagram, Nasaan si Crush? and Fake it were hilarious! And earth to everyone who complains in social media about society with no follow-through actions, Global Whining is a knock on the head. Meanwhile, Letters Across Space and Time where past me and future me interact set the tone of the play near the end, which makes one rethink how crucial actions for the long-run are in our pursuit for happiness.

No Filter

Considering the struggle in tying down something as changing as a millennial, the team was a winner in their genuine attempt. It was also honoring that head writer Jam Pascual was hopeful that the play can still be renewed in pacing with today’s times.

The play portrays a generation who equates losing a limb as that of losing a smartphone, but even the baby boomers and generation-X can be hit in the guts with its universal themes: passion and purpose, the search for love, success, and happiness among others. Just today, the ship we’re on is just different, and well, runs on faster mbps.

No Filter by The Sandbox Collective

You can still catch the play until August 2!


585-6909 / 0917-8996680


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