
CONFIRMED: ‘Tales from the Crypt’ is Making a Comeback

It’s official! ‘Tales from the Crypt’ will be making a comeback on television!

If you grew up watching this series back in the 90s, you must be excited to see it come back to television screens what with all of the improvements in special effects nowadays. I remember being really scared of the Cryptkeeper back in the day, and I can’t wait to see if they’ll be making any huge changes in terms of his appearance in the reboot.

I’m also hoping that the stories will be creepier this time around.ย According to slash film.com, Kevin Reilly, TNT President, also says that some of the stories this time around will be crowdsourced from fans; so hopefully, they’ll be more relatable, too.


While the reboot won’t be around until sometime around the end of next year, it’s definitely something I’m looking forward to. What about you?