Author: Gizelle Caoile

summer 1

I followed my heart and this is what happened

Ever been in a situation where you’d have to choose between doing what other people tell/expect you to and what you actually love? If you’ve been making a decision based on others and/or circumstances for …
Fujifilm 2

6 Tips to Achieve Storytelling Through Videos

Storytelling is a must-have skill when venturing into the world of filmmaking. We communicate to our audience through the videos we direct and/or produce, especially in this day and age as viewers are most likely …
Smart iPhone 8 8 Plus 3

Things iPhone users can ALL agree on

Living in this generation, most of us are witnesses of the evolution of phones. Now that we are in the age of smartphones and we’ve incorporated them into our daily lives, each user has already …
Feel u

8 Ways to Survive “Petsa de Peligro”

There are only two types of people doesn’t know what ‘petsa de peligro’ means – those who haven’t experienced working yet (such as students) and those who always have extra money in their pockets. To …