Author: Yza Tolentino

arci munoz as sailor moon

LOOK: Arci Muñoz As Sailor Moon for Halloween!

This year’s Halloween won’t be complete without celebrities standing out from the crowd as they wear costumes that are totally #goals. And of course, we wouldn’t let our girl crush’s Halloween costume slip away without an …
drug abusers

WATCH: Video Shows What Happens When Drug Abusers Surrender

As the Philippines continuously run its campaign against illegal drug use, over 700,000 drug abusers already surrendered themselves to the national authorities. But, what really happens when they surrender? Here’s a glimpse of what these people go through after …
Pet Holidays

Save The Dates: 8 Pet Holidays To Remember

Did you know that there are specially assigned holidays for pets? In addition to the regular Caturdays and Woof Wednesdays we have every week, we found pet holidays that acknowledge how pawsome animals are! Check …