To whoever is reading this, I want you to know that you’re not alone.
You will probably look at all your batchmates and see how their futures have already been laid out for them. They’re already certain of what they’ll do once they graduate. Meanwhile, you’re asking yourself, “What now?” You’re graduating from a course you didn’t 100% love and didn’t make you feel 100% happy. You’re so lost and it scares you because you have no idea whether it was all worth it or just one huge mistake.
I know, because I’ve been there. Four years of getting by and doing the best that I could, and then suddenly, a record-scratch and freeze-frame: “This is not who I want to be for the rest of my life.”
And if there’s one thing you have to know that I have learned years after graduating, it’s that this feeling of fear, regret, and confusion will not last forever—as long as you don’t let it.
In life, there are no rules. It’s always what you make of it. The life you live will always be shaped by your decisions, but they’re rarely permanent. While I made that decision to go for something I felt lukewarm to instead of where my passion lay, I knew I wasn’t going to make the same choice twice.
YOU don’t have to make the same choice twice. It’s time to take the reins of your life and steer it to the direction you truly want it to go.
If there is something you are passionate about, don’t be afraid to go for it. It may be far from the degree you’ll be graduating with, but your confidence and drive will get you to where you want to be.
You can also study again. There are plenty of resources online that you can try out to learn things you’ve always wanted to.
And if you still don’t know what you truly want to be, you can try out different things to see which one works the best for you.
Just remember this: you can always take your time.
Don’t feel pressured to chase after your dreams or pinpoint what you want to do with your life right after college. It can take months or even years until you finally have it all figured out (and even by then, you might find something totally new to love). You will have to go through decent-paying but lousy jobs, or see your passion projects fail, or witness tons of friends succeeding at young ages. But when you strive to find your happiness, work hard to make your dreams come true, and keep your eye on your goal, what lies at the end of your journey will make it all worth it.
So, if you’re reading this, and you’re wondering if you just made the biggest mistake of your life, find comfort in knowing that no, there are no mistakes—just lessons to be learned. Life is not a race. You will find your happiness, and you will do so without any regret.
An Open Letter to Those Graduating From a Course They Didn’t Love
To whoever is reading this, I want you to know that you’re not alone.
You will probably look at all your batchmates and see how their futures have already been laid out for them. They’re already certain of what they’ll do once they graduate. Meanwhile, you’re asking yourself, “What now?” You’re graduating from a course you didn’t 100% love and didn’t make you feel 100% happy. You’re so lost and it scares you because you have no idea whether it was all worth it or just one huge mistake.
I know, because I’ve been there. Four years of getting by and doing the best that I could, and then suddenly, a record-scratch and freeze-frame: “This is not who I want to be for the rest of my life.”
And if there’s one thing you have to know that I have learned years after graduating, it’s that this feeling of fear, regret, and confusion will not last forever—as long as you don’t let it.
In life, there are no rules. It’s always what you make of it. The life you live will always be shaped by your decisions, but they’re rarely permanent. While I made that decision to go for something I felt lukewarm to instead of where my passion lay, I knew I wasn’t going to make the same choice twice.
YOU don’t have to make the same choice twice. It’s time to take the reins of your life and steer it to the direction you truly want it to go.
If there is something you are passionate about, don’t be afraid to go for it. It may be far from the degree you’ll be graduating with, but your confidence and drive will get you to where you want to be.
You can also study again. There are plenty of resources online that you can try out to learn things you’ve always wanted to.
And if you still don’t know what you truly want to be, you can try out different things to see which one works the best for you.
Just remember this: you can always take your time.
Don’t feel pressured to chase after your dreams or pinpoint what you want to do with your life right after college. It can take months or even years until you finally have it all figured out (and even by then, you might find something totally new to love). You will have to go through decent-paying but lousy jobs, or see your passion projects fail, or witness tons of friends succeeding at young ages. But when you strive to find your happiness, work hard to make your dreams come true, and keep your eye on your goal, what lies at the end of your journey will make it all worth it.
So, if you’re reading this, and you’re wondering if you just made the biggest mistake of your life, find comfort in knowing that no, there are no mistakes—just lessons to be learned. Life is not a race. You will find your happiness, and you will do so without any regret.
Congratulations, graduate!
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