
5 Fun Selfie Apps that will Make You Even More Addicted to Selfies

Love taking selfies?

With the countless selfie apps currently available both on Google Play and App Store, Iโ€™m sure picking a good app can sometimes be confusing and even frustrating when you donโ€™t get the features that you like. In fact, coming up with this list, even took me weeks to finalize, since I had to pick my best 5 from the other ones I downloaded.

OPPO F1 Selfie Poses (15)

I must admit that before, I hated people who posted selfies on social media! But because of these super cool and fun selfie apps, I found myself liking selfies too! Well of course, everything must be done in moderation to avoid annoying our friends. Many say that selfie addiction is a sign of narcissismโ€ฆ.. I used to believe that too, until I realized that well, we people just really love to judge each otherโ€™s points of view. Now, my stand on this is that, โ€œkanya kanyang trip lang yan.โ€ย  Perhaps people just wanna see themselves looking good, or most of us just need a little push of approval and encouragement from friends. Whatever your opinion is about selfies, ok lang! I respect it! =)

Before I show you my 5 favorite selfie apps, please do note that my sample photos below are just for the sake of showing you the features. No judging please? hehehe Iโ€™m not a pro on the โ€œArt of Pagpapacute.โ€

Anyway, here goes my favorite selfie apps:

5. YouCam Makeupย – Makeover Studio

Best Selfie Apps Oppo F1 Selfie Camera (1 of 36)

If you’re too lazy to put on make-up but still want to look great on photos, then I recommend you use YouCam Makeup. Here you can have instant makeovers in just seconds as you pick the “look” that you feel like having. You can even choose various tints and hues for your lips, eyes, cheeks and even your hair! It can also act as a virtual cosmetic helper, so you’d know which shades are good for your skin tone before actually buying makeup.

Here are samples (No judging! hehehe)

Best Selfie Apps Oppo F1 Selfie Camera (5 of 36)

here’s my selfie with no filter using YouCam Makeup


Notice the various natural looks available. You can even have your brows fixed in an instant!


It can also automatically lengthen your lashes and even apply outrageous face paintings if you feel like it.

4. YouCam Perfect Selfie Cam

Best Selfie Apps Oppo F1 Selfie Camera (17 of 36)

This one works like magic as well, for you can apply changes on your face if you want. Aside from smoothening your skin and adding filters, this awesome selfie app can also minimize eye bags, adjust skin tone, adjust eye size, can make your face smaller plus so much more! What I love most about this app is that, the adjustments look very natural so you and your friends will hardly notice them.ย Take a look….

Best Selfie Apps Oppo F1 Selfie Camera (26 of 36)

Made my eyes a bit bigger

Best Selfie Apps Oppo F1 Selfie Camera (23 of 36)

Best Selfie Apps Oppo F1 Selfie Camera (25 of 36)

Best Selfie Apps Oppo F1 Selfie Camera (24 of 36)

Best Selfie Apps Oppo F1 Selfie Camera (27 of 36)

Best Selfie Apps Oppo F1 Selfie Camera (28 of 36)


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