
This Fun Internship Teaches You to Work Hard, but Play Harder

Words by Mia Abigan
Photos by Fudge Santos

Internships, for the most part, are something many people feel they could just forget about. I mean, work with no pay??? No thanks! But most companies nowadays require some sort of experience before they’d even consider an applicant as a potential candidate. Because of that, we are forced to take on these boring “get your boss a cup of coffee” jobs anyway.

thats life sorry

But not all internships are created equal…at least, not in my opinion.

I have to be honest though, the only “internship” I’ve gotten besides my current one, would be my kotiam (which is basically when I spend my summer break helping out in the family business) so I’m not sure how credible that makes me, but let’s roll with it.

Where am I currently interning you ask? At WhenInManila.com, as part of their Batch 8 WIMternship Program.

One of the things that makes the WIMternship program so special and lovable is definitely the flexibility of it. Because When in Manila is an online-based platform, WIMterns rarely have to show up for work (we like to work from home!). This makes it easy to fit in my schedule because unlike most internships that require you to work a 9-5 job, this doesn’t. So it’s very handy for students like me ๐Ÿ˜€

happy jake

Of course, there are still deadlines we have to follow and occasional meetings that we have, but overall, I just really love the freedom that they give us. It feels liberating knowing that they trust you enough to submit all your outputs on time, without actually having to show up in the office.

If anything, this kind of flexibility has trained me to better manage my time. It has taught me to become a master of balancing school and social life and work!

And if you do work hard enough, well enough, you are properly compensated! FOR REALSIES THO, like I’m not even kidding.

This can mean anything from getting to attend the concert of your favorite artist for FREE, or having a first try or first look of the hottest, newest places/restos/happenings in the Metro.


(READ ALSO: Shawn Mendes The Tour in Manila: Hereโ€™s What Happened )

Another thing that has me extremely grateful to myself for submitting my WIMtern requirements even last-minute, is that through WIM, I was able to discover so much more about myself and the world around me. WIMterns are given soooooo many opportunities to experience all sorts of things! Recently, I was star-struck myself because I was only inches away from THE Jasmine Curtis-Smith and Ruru Madrid (all because of an interview that I got to do with them to promote their film, Cara X Jagger).


Would that have happened if not for this WIMternship program? I highly doubt it. I also got a free hair treatment that made my hair super silky and smooth after featuring Facial Care Centre’s newly opened branch in Makati. (SML <3333)

Finally, it was through WIM that I discovered a loving family that accepted me for who I am. We might have been composed of people from different universities, interests, and backgrounds, but if there’s anything that we have in common, it’s got to be our love of storytelling. (SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO MY HOMIES IN BATCH 8!!!) We share everythingโ€”from our very first features, the struggles of navigating through WordPress, and just surviving life in general. I’m so thankful that no matter what, we’re always gonna have each other’s back!

Just check out how cool we looked for when we felt extra and dressed up for our bi-monthly Sunday meeting:






Ready to be a WIMtern and experience all these yourself? Apply now for Batch 9 which starts in January here!

Got a burning question about the WIMternship program? Ask us through our official Facebook Page @WheninManila