
This Filipino’s art is ‘invading’ New York City

It looks like the Big Apple is set for another alien invasion, only this one may be a bit different than the one you’re probably picturing. Say goodbye to images of terror and destruction because Leeroy New’s works are outlandish in a different sort of way.


New’s project, “Aliens of Manila: New York Colony”, has been on display from the beginning of March. It will be installed in Pintô International until May. The immersive installation consists of wearable art pieces fashioned to look like bizarre monsters (or aliens) of a kind.


Some of these works were actually up and about last March 17 at Art in the Park. New’s collaborators donned the costumes for a different kind of art experience. And the people of New York will be witness to the same thing. New and some friends have been walking around the city in the “Aliens of Manila” pieces.


(This exhibit combined art with technology and it looks so cool!)

This is pretty common practice for them, as the aliensofmanila Instagram page documents their alien invasion adventures all over the world. From Taipei to Lyon, to California, there seems to be no limit to where they’ll go. Talk about commitment to your art!

How would you react if you saw these pieces on the streets?