
Soak Opera: Dare to Go Bare with Natural Self-Care

Back in 2015, skin care wasnโ€™t a part of my vocabulary. I could go to bed without washing my face and I wasnโ€™t into makeup at all. I would wake up, take a bath, and go to work. I was THAT lazy. It wasnโ€™t until I had the worse breakout of my life in 2017 that I actually bothered to even look into skin care.

During the depressive episodes of my breakout, I went all out with my researchโ€”from the 10-step Korean skin care routine to the highly regarded Fraxel CO2 treatment. My skin was breaking out so badly, I just wanted to get it over and done with. Thatโ€™s when I realized that what I was doing was a bandaid solution. Aside from genes, this couldโ€™ve easily been a result of me not taking care of my skin for a long time.


Proper skin care didnโ€™t fix my acne because the entire thing was hormonal. However, it definitely propelled me to actually start having a skin care routine. Since I was desperate to make things better in the beginning; I went with intense chemically-heavy formulas hoping to speed up the skin repair. After a while, though, I realized that skin care and self-care are not things you rush. If thereโ€™s one thing I can take away from it: less is more. I started investing in natural and organic products. From my makeup remover to my setting spray, I try to be as natural as possible. As such, hearing about Soak Operaโ€™s truly natural self-care line was a godsend for me.

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Soak Opera is a Philippine-based skin care brand that started with a simple vision: to provide full, luxurious, and natural self-care. Believing that nature is the most powerful form of therapy, Soak Opera harnesses the power of natural ingredients so you can bring a piece of nature into your home. At the foundation of every formula are raw, pure, and organic ingredients with skin-loving vitamins and nutrients for healthy and naturally beautiful skin.

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Rose Body Oil and Scrub (Php355)

A detoxifying, anti-aging and moisturizing body scrub that leaves the skin hydrated, soft, and rejuvenated. I actually donโ€™t like using scrubs because I feel like theyโ€™re too harsh, but this one is just so luxurious! It has actual petals in it and it feels so good when I lather it onto my skin. It is a bit tedious to remove the rose residue from the drain; but damn, it keeps leaving me wanting more after my bath.

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Lip Scrub (Php180)

The lip scrub is a revitalizing beetroot and acai berry-packed sugar scrub formulated with nourishing oils and butter to keep your lips supple, moisturized, and naturally pink. This is one of my favorites!

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I know youโ€™re not supposed to eat lip scrub, but I accidentally tasted some of it while I was scrubbing my lips, and it was so good!

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Lip Balm (Php150)

The lip balm is formulated with a moisturizing blend of natural oils, beeswax, and butter to keep lips hydrated. The formula reminds me of Carmex, but at a more affordable price.

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Rising Sun Collection (Php875)

This is what I was most excited about since I love masks. The collection includes the Blossom Face Mask (Radiance), Evergreen Face Mask (Anti-Acne) and Sunshine Face Mask (Multipurpose).

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The said masks donโ€™t have any fillers or preservatives and include ingredients like Turmeric, Sandalwood, Chlorella, Moringa, Neem, Rice Powder and more. I tried using all three masks since they each address specific skin problems, and they all work wonders. Iโ€™m especially in love with the Evergreen mask since my skin has a rough texture due to the weather and Iโ€™ve been getting tiny zits here and there.

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Be careful when you use the masks, though.Make sure you donโ€™t leave them on for too long since they leave a slight tint on the face. I also found it necessary to have a treatment dish handy to mix the masks. I didnโ€™t have one, so I had to make do with what I had.

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While I didnโ€™t have trouble mixing the Evergreen and Sunshine mask, I found that lukewarm water is best to use for the Blossom mask. I also wasnโ€™t particularly fond of the scent of crushed leaves, but I guess thatโ€™s the price you have to pay if you really want to go au naturel.

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Yes, itโ€™s pretty tedious, but it pays off! I just got back from Baler with a sunburn and a few rough patches on my face, and these masks saved the day!

Aside from that, I would like to note that noneย of the products are fragrant. No chemically induced perfume-y scents on any of the items. Everything is all natural, especially the masks! So, if youโ€™re on the lookout for all-natural skin care, make sure to check out Soap Opera!

Soak Opera PH

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