
SEXY Legs with ANTISTAX Red Wine Extract!

Sexy Legs ย Talk….with ANTISTAX When in Manila !


SEXY Antistax LEGS when in Manila

SEXY Antistax LEGS when in Manila


  1. Want beautiful smooth varicose free legs?
  2. Experiencing occasional Leg cramps or tingling sensation?
  3. Are your feet aching or swelling after a long day at work?

When in Manila, the firstย anti-varicose Supplement has been launched– ANTISTAX by the makers of Dulcolax– Boehringer Ingelheim.



Photo exhibit at Antistax Launch at Shangri-La Hotel, Makati, Manila.



๐Ÿ˜› ย Medical advice is– put your legs up or drink 3 bottles of wine a day!
HaHa ๐Ÿ™‚ OR take a tablet of the first and only anti-varicose Supplement in the country– ANTISTAXย by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Legs and legs — perfect or pudgy, just alright or rising endlessly like the magnificent buildings all around— this was my introduction to Manila as our taxi came to a halt and we stepped out wide-eyed to the foreign scene. Legs and women- they are the insignia emblazoned on my mind flag for Manila.

Its funny how sooooo many of us live in denial of legs. Specially the women!

Come on women! What happens over time is– we learn to ignore the existence of our legs, until its too late and perhaps…the time for medical intervention.




  • Leg Fatigue and Heaviness * Pangangalay
  • Leg Pain
  • Swelling * Pamamanas
  • Tingling/Cramping *Pamumulikat
  • Lower Leg Skin Pigmentation
  • Spider Veins
  • Varicose Veins


Varicose Veins or that web of greenish bluish veins on the surface of legs look pretty innocent, until they begin recurring and persist even after a month or so.


Head of the Varicose Veins Center at Quezon City St Luke’s HospitalDR MARTIN VILLA advises–

‘Cosmetic reasons apart, the CVI or Chronic Venous Insufficiency progressively impacts the functional mobility both in men and in women. It is never a killer disease, but it is a warning sign to bring on some vital life-style changes in nutrition and habits, and prevent degeneration of veins and valves. We get many many women who walk in for a check-up because they want beautiful legs, but there are also many people who come in quite late when their legs have already begun giving them more trouble. It is a myth that recurring leg pain and leg cramps are only Musculo-skeletal issues. They can be a Chronic Venous insufficiency that can be cured by life-style changes.




DR MARTIN VILLA, HEAD-Varicose Veins Center. St. Luke’s, Quezon City




  • Heredity: If either/both parents have a compromised collagen distribution factor and have leg vein challenges.
  • Gender: More women suffer from CVI than men. 1/4 women and 1/5 men.
  • Age: Mostly after 40, the spider veins do not disappear on their own and cramping might increase. After 60s the dark skin pigmenetation might persist on the lower legs or calves.
  • Lifestyle: Stewardesses, Nurses, Mothers-on-the go– long standing hours and high heels are also the culprits. Obesity is obviously an add-on stressor.
  • Pregnancy: After the first pregnancy, the symptoms disappear, but with subsequent ones, they tend to persist.