
READ: This Letter from Senator Alan Peter Cayetano Will Hit You Right in the Feels

Senator Alan Peter Cayetano has always been visible before, during, and even after the elections.

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Even vowed that he will always be there for our President, even though he loses the campaign. Furthermore, Cayetano defended Duterte from all the bashers on and offline.

However, during the Senate roll call the other day, Cayetano wasn’t there. There were speculations that he was healing a “broken heart” for not being the Senate President. It was Senator Koko Pimentel who was tasked to be the Senate President.

Then, came along his touching post on his Facebook account entitled: “Losing What Was Never Mine Keeping What’s Important to Me”

In verbatim, he wrote:

2 Groups offered me a deal. Taking just 1 of the two offers would have made me Senate President.

Yet somehow I was never tempted to take the deal because On May 7 2016, in Luneta, on Our Historic Miting De Avance, I Made A Commitment.

A commitment to help and protect our President. Our GOD Given “Reset Button”, who would Initiate Revolutionary Change In our Country and Liberate us from Illegal Drugs, Crime and Corruption/Incompetence/ Apathy in Government!

I thought long and hard about it and I asked myself, how could a deal that made me S.P but put the President and his agenda in jeopardy, be one that helps or protects him?

I asked myself this question since I promised myself I will only get it if I can help and protect the President and his agenda, otherwise I’ll be inutil, powerful yet powerless.

I’ve always believed that the Senate is The Senate Of The People. I now ask us all to pray to GOD To Bless The Senate and make it an instrument of change and not a tool for status quo. I pray for Sen Koko and all the Senators that we may fulfill the people’s mandate for change so decisively placed on the shoulders of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

I’ve always believed that despite all the evil in the world and covetousness in man’s heart….we are all capable of changing and serving GOD and our beloved country.

Today Mr President one of my dreams passed me by, I’m not Senate President, Yet I’m excited to hear your SONA and be a part of the amazing change! This is our dream! Dream of all Filipinos! And this is more important!

Many many people are now ready to sacrifice their dreams for a greater dream of…a safe, peaceful and prosperous Philippines for all Filipinos!

GOD Bless You Mr President!

GOD Bless The Phillipines!

Halina kayo,baguhin natin ang Pilipinas!

Sir, in this life full of ambiguity, we need more courageous people like you. We need leaders who will demonstrate integrity and resilience just like you showed during the elections. Everything happens for a reason. Perhaps, The Lord has other greater plans for you. God Bless and we wish you all the best!

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