
PWR Live: The Shawdown Results

The men and women of the Philippine Wrestling Revolution (PWR) dropped by Mandaluyong City last weekย to stage one huge SHAWDOWN! PWR Live: The Shawdown featured the champion vs champion match between PWR Champion Jake De Leon and PHX Champion Main Maxx. It also featured some of your favorite PWR stars, as well as new PWR talent. We haveย the scoop on how it all went down.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-vintendo-deliriumVintendo and Delirium

Vintendo Welcomes Delirium to PWR

The Pre-show started off with PWRโ€™s Fighting Gamer welcoming us to PWR Live: The Shawdown. He said it would be an exciting night of action and more. He also took note that we wouldย see a lot of new PWR talent thatย night. That said, he brought the duo known as Delerium to ringside and welcomed them to PWR.

Before the fighting gamer could formally welcome, the trio in green known as The Network barged in the festivities. Their leader, James โ€œIdolโ€ Martinez, asked Vintendo who gave him the right to introduce the new tag team. Idol told everyone that The Network is the โ€œPre-Show Bulliesโ€ of PWR. He brought up how Bruno and The Machine decimated the competition last Wrevolution X to stay undefeated in pre-shows. Vintendo said that he was the original preshow man before The Network grew to existence. Idol requested, in lieu of Mr. Syโ€™s dismissal, if itโ€™s ok to make a 6-man tag team match right there inside the PWR ring. With no objections from anyone at ringside, the 6-man tag team match started.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-idol-sittingIdol knows how to ‘chill’

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-vintendo-slamVintendo displays his power!

Pre-Show Match: Vintendo and Delirium vs The Network

In a match that one Mr. Theodore Rufus Long wouldโ€™ve booked himself, The Network took on Vintendo and PWRโ€™s latest dynamic duo known as Delirium. Idol and Haviera started the match, but Idol quickly tagged out to Chino Guinto. It was a pretty even match up at the start where all six men got in some offense. At one point, Haviera and Erickson delivered a beautiful double team maneuver on Chino Guinto. The Network would use their experience as a unit to their advantage once they got one of the Delerium members stuck in their corner.

While they had the advantage, we saw a LOT of antics from James โ€œIdolโ€ Martinez. From the time he sat on the apron with a folding chair to him sneaking to the other side of the ring (via the ring apron) to pull down the other teamโ€™s competitors. Vintendo really showed his strength in this match. He delviered a good looking gorilla press slam on Idol. Vintendo even did a “Shoryuken Barrage” on all three members of The Network! In the end, The Network got the upperhand and stay undefeated with their patented Triple Powerbomb on their opponent for the 1-2-3.


Mark D. Manalo (w/ Kanto Terror) vs Yohann Ollores

The main show started with โ€œThe Promdiโ€ Mark D. Manalo, who was joined ringside by Mandaluyong Cityโ€™s own Kanto Terror, taking on the โ€œKonyo from Katipsโ€ known as Yohann Ollores. The bad blood between these two stemmed from the PHX Gauntlet Match on Wrevolution X and this match would settle who the better competitor was. Yohann grabbed the mic at the start of the match and told Mark D. Manalo that he is a fortune teller and could see the future.

In Yohannโ€™s vision of the future, he saw himself standing tall and declared the winner while MDM was laid out in the ring. MDM was unfazed and locked horns with Ollores at the start of the match. The promdi got in some early offense with a bridging suplex on #YOLO for a two count. Ollores got back into the match with a high-impact double axe handle smash on Manalo for two. Ollores was briefly in control of the matchup until he missed a critical diving headbutt from the top rope. MDM grabbed the opportunity to lock in a submission maneuver on Ollores. Mark D. Manalo delivered his signature bionic elbow on #YOLO before he would send him to the mat with a powerful Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

Ollores made a comeback when he delivered a very devastating superkick to the face of his opponent. MDM would kick out at 2. #YOLO climbed up the corner to deliver a splash, but MDM got out of the way just in time. Ollores, all lined up by Manalo, would eat a stunner from the promdi. #YOLO wisely rolled out of the ring after the stunner and would hide under the ring apron. A NEW Yohann Ollores would emerge on the other side of the ring and laid out Mark D. Manalo with the One Night Stand.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-yolo-twinsThe YOLO Twins

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-when-in-manila-beerpromdiBeer Promdi

After the match, it was revealed that Yohann had an identical twin. The duo walked up the ramp and poked fun at Mark for losing. The new Ollores twin identified himself as โ€œLoganโ€ to complete the duo of the #YOLO Twins. Mark D. Manalo asked the twins if they canโ€™t beat him alone. He was quoted to say that regardless of how many times the #YOLO twins would multiply, they wonโ€™t stand a chance against Beer Promdi. In the end, MDM and Kanto Terror challenged the #YOLO twins to a tag team match at PWR Renaissance. Asked if they were โ€˜Carpsโ€™, the #YOLO Twins said โ€˜Picsโ€™. It was on!


Ang (Pinaka) Mahabang Usapan w/ PWR Champion Jake De Leon

PWRโ€™s โ€œIntimate Warriorโ€ and the newly dubbed โ€œBest in the Birdโ€ Rederick Mahaba hosted one of the best Mahabang Usapan segments in PWR History at the Shawdown. Mahaba asked who had the idea of making a ringside walkway that long. He joked that it wore him out just walking towards the ring. Rederick also joked that he noticed that every time he hosted his talk show, PWR had a new champion. He said he was in a somber mood since the departure ofโ€ฆhis dog.

Some of the audience members shout Scarlett, implying that Mahaba was reeling from Scarlettโ€™s abrupt retirement from PWR. Mahaba assured us he has since moved on and brought out โ€œThe Senyoritoโ€ Jake De Leon. Mahaba asked JDL how it felt to get the PWR Title once more. JDL said that he had a very brief moment of elation during his first reign (which was ended quickly by Bryan Leo โ€˜cashing inโ€™ his title shot a couple of minutes later) but this time he is feeling โ€œpretty goodโ€ in his second reign. Asked for his plans, JDL said that the PWR Championship will be in his hands as long as he can and to quote a famous wrestler, โ€œIf you want some, come get some.โ€

Rederick Mahaba introduced his surprise guest to JDL and the Revo-Nation, Ralph Imabayashi!!! Ralph entered the ring and told JDL that he was not going to ruin JDLโ€™s parade or ask for a title shot for he knew he has blew his chances for a rematch. JDL assured Ralph that amidst their differences with each other, he would welcome a challenge from Ralph in the future. The host of Mahabang Usapan requested the two friends to โ€œHEART IT OUTโ€ and they did. Mahaba seemed quite happy with the turnout of his segment as there was nobody barging his talk show this time around. A few seconds later, to his dismay, there WOULD be an interruption to his show.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-mahabang-royal-flushThe Royal Flush

The Royal Flush, who was notably missing โ€œClassicalโ€ Bryan Leo, invaded the ringside area. Rederick Mahaba introduced everyone from Royal Flush โ€œLITEโ€ and ended with a very hilarious line of โ€œโ€ฆand straight out of NSTP, Peter Versoza.โ€ That quip from Mahaba drew a thunderous โ€œNSTPโ€ chant at ringside. Mahaba and Sebastian would momentarily trade barbs at each other, to the delight of the fans, before Sebastian started to get serious.

John Sebastian told everyone at ringside that he will be taking the PWR Championship from JDL and thereโ€™s nothing that the Senyorito could do about it. JDL shot back that there IS something he can do about it and thatโ€™s delivering the Alipin Drop to the Flushโ€™s Ace in the Hole and pin him 1-2-3. JDL said that he wishes John Sebastian luck in his match later that night. ย Sebastian grew tired of JDLโ€™s words and demanded that they will do it in the ring, right here, right now. Mahaba was rather hesitant of that idea and said that โ€œno oneโ€™s doing it nowโ€ because he was still in a lot of pain at that moment and that he wanted a โ€œpeaceful Mahabang Usapanโ€ segment. The trio of the Royal Flush left ringside and Mahaba wished Main Maxx โ€œgood luckโ€, only to get flipped off by the Perfect 10. JDL and Ralph would leave ringside as well, with Mahaba staying inside the PWR ring.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-mahabang-usapan-kwRederick Mahaba and Ken Warren

Ken Warren entered ringside to begin his match with Mahaba. The bigger man remarked that Ken Warren was hotter up close, to the disgust of the Social Media Sinister. Warren asked why is he in a match with a โ€œhuge horndogโ€ such as Mahaba. Rederick explained the reason why Warren is facing him is because Ken Warren has been in a rut, while he was sky high. ย Warren insulted Mahaba before the host said that he and his member of the Basted Club taker in the rejection, turn it to something greatโ€ฆand then they Jaccoladeโ€ฆbecause everybody likes it Mahaba.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-kw-mahabaRederick slams Warren to the mat

Rederick Mahaba vs Ken Warren

The match started off with Ken Warren trying to pull off his usual head games, but Mahaba quickly tried to kiss him. Warren ducked out of that one and had a rather disgusted look shot at Mahabaโ€™s direction. KW delivered a cheap shot at Mahaba and backed him into a corner. Mahaba quickly used his size and strength to deliver some hard headbutts and tossed Warren around ringside. Mahaba continued his assault and delivered some clubbing blows to PWRโ€™s Social Media Sinister.

Ken Warren momentarily retreated from the ring and drew a โ€œHard to getโ€ chant from the crowd. Warren slid back into the ring to extend his hand towards Rederick Mahaba, only to deliver a devastating basement dropkick to the leg. Warren worked on Mahabaโ€™s left leg for a while to get the advantage in the match. Rederick Mahaba fought back and used his strength to deliver a big bodyslam for a 2 count. Mahaba continued his assault with a couple of headbutts before he drove Warren to the mat with a powerful full nelson slam for 2. Rederick Mahaba attempted to deliver the Jaccolade on Ken Warren but the latter slipped out of the ring and stayed on the ramp.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-kw-nocompeteA very disgruntled Ken Warren

Ken Warren grabbed the mic and said he deserved better than facing Rederick Mahaba while he was being counted out. He said he had a good 2016 until everything just went downhill. He said that since Mr. Sy was not in power anymore, thereโ€™s nobody at PWR to tell him what to do. He left ringside after he said that he REFUSES to compete. The winner, Rederick Mahaba, left ringside and even grabbed a box of dunkin donuts munchkins from a fan. With Rederick Mahabaโ€™s winning streak โ€˜growing longerโ€™, things are looking up for PWRโ€™s resident โ€œLove Machineโ€.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-mike-bax-1Madrigal delivers a hard knee to Bax

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-mike-bax-2Bax takes down Madrigal

Joey Bax vs Mike Madrigal

The Fighter 4 Hire, Joey Bax took on the new comer Mike Madrigal. The PWR Veteran was given a โ€œTito Joeyโ€ chant throughout the match. The man from Death Valle Verde took it to the PWR veteran with some hard hitting maneuvers. Madrigal delivered some deep armdrags that kept Bax on the mat for a good while. Joey Bax, however, would counter with a couple of nice hip tosses to his opponent. Joey Bax delivered a masterful firemanโ€™s carry on his opponent before Madrigal would get the upperhand with a couple of suplexes for two. Joey Bax wouldnโ€™t let up and delivered a couple of great suplexes on his own against Madrigal. Joey Bax isolated Madrigal on the corner with some hard stomps. Joey Bax dropped Madrigal with a DDT for a two count.

Mike Madrigal, after he blocked an attack from Bax, delivered a wonderful face-first slam on Bax and almost got the pinfall. Joey Bax caught Mike Madrigal off guard with a slingblade for 2. Madrigal, out of nowhere, delivered a painful looking piledriver-esque maneuver on Joey Bax and yet again had a near fall. Madrigal argued with the ref with the count and that proved his downfall. Joey Bax took Madrigal to the mat with The Hit and won the match with a pinfall.

After the match, Joey Bax extended his hand to Madrigal for a handshake. The newbie shook Joey Baxโ€™s hand before he delivered a swift kick below the belt and drew the ire of the fans. Madrigal delivered a Go To Sleep on Bax and left ringside with the fans chanting โ€œKupalโ€ at his direction.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-vlad-ralphMeet Vlad

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-vlad-ralph-1Ralph locks it in

Ralph Imabayashi vs Vlad Sinnsyk

The former PWR Champion had his hands full with the PWR newcomer named Vlad Sinnsyk. Vlad looked like a scary and intimidating bearded man that you wouldnโ€™t like to meet in a dark alley. Imabayashi delivered some hard kicks to the newcomer to keep him at bay. Ralph would then go on to focus on Vladโ€™s arm, delivering most of his offense at that body part. Ralph Imabayashi delivered a perfect sit-out spinebuster slam on Vlad for the count of 2. Vlad grabbed Ralph and rammed him towards the ring post. Vlad delivered a vertical suplex on the former PWR champ and got a two count. Ralph Imabayashi would fight back with a hard chop across Vladโ€™s chest. Imabayashi would rain on the forearm smashes on his opponent, before Vlad used his strength to back him towards a corner. Ralph caught Vlad with an armbar and was poised to make his opponent tap out.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-vlad-ralph-2Vlad finishes things off

Fortunately for Vlad, he grabbed the nearby ropes to break the submission maneuver. Ralph sent Vlad to the corner before he delivered his patented corner attack combo. Ralph went to the top rope and connected with a diving knee drop on his opponent for 2. Ralph attempted to finish the match with the Sonic Crusher but Vlad caught him with a German Suplex and a hard clothesline for 2. Ralph fended off Vlad for a good while and attempted to head to the top rope yet again. Sadly, Sinnsyk caught him and slammed him down the mat with a Muscle Buster. 1-2-3 and Vlad made his debut win with a big upset against the former PWR Champion.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-network-itemThe LATEST product from The Network

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-network-ralphSONIC CRUSHER OUTTA NOWHERE!

Before Ralph Imabayashi could leave ringside, the Network arrived. James โ€œIdolโ€ Martinez asked if Ralph was tired of losing, and if so, The Network was here to help. Idol ran down his successful products like the Idol Supplements and the Power Drink, and how they help JDL and Rederick Mahaba gain their respective big wins. Now, it was Ralphโ€™s turn to โ€˜profitโ€™ from Idolโ€™s products. Idol presented him with the โ€œEco Kang Kongโ€. Ralph was albeit weary of the product but he eventually accepted the offer and shook Idolโ€™s hand. Well, actually, he delivered a Sonic Crusher out of nowhere on Idol and left ringside.

pwr-live-the-shawdown-results-chino-sandataSANDATA cranks up the pain

SANDATA vs Bryan Leo?

SANDATA arrived ringside and waited for his foe that night, only to get someone else: Chino Guinto. The Networkโ€™s Golden Boy said that people such as Bryan Leo had no time to waste in beating up people like SANDATA. Chino blamed SANDATA for his loss against Main Maxx at Wrevolution X, claiming that the masked competitor almost broke his ankle and made him compete at less than a 100 percent for the PHX title match. Chino challenged SANDATA for a match somewhere down the line. SANDATA and Chino brawl inside the ring and the masked man caught Chino with his signature ankle lock. The PWR ring crew pulled the two competitors apart and tried to restore order in the ring. Only the future knows when and where these two competitors will face in the ring. Maybe, it would be as soon as PWR Renaissance.

Check out the next page for more PWR Live: The Shawdown Results!