PRIMROSE Swimwear: Stand Out Under the Sun

Stay classy and sophisticated at the beach with Primrose Swimwear!

Let’s admit it, summer never ends in the country. You can always visit the beautiful beaches in the Philippines all-year round. There are dozens of places you can choose to visit every weekend. This is why you should always be equipped with the best swimsuits whenever you hit the beach. Introducing your next favorite online swimwear shop — Primrose!

This shop has got everything for you sun babes out there! They have colorful roundie towels for your trips at the beach! These towels are best for keeping your stuff neat and for when you wanna go sun bathing. They also have giant water floaters with different designs, ranging from pizza slices, doughnuts, pretzels, unicorns, and a lot more. You’d enjoy using them in swimming pools! And of course, Primrose’s specialty is their elegant and stylish swimsuits.

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“We like being simple and straight to the point, no muss, no fuss. And we believe that you deserve to look best without breaking the bank.” According to the owners, they designed each suit to be “sophisticated, classy, functional, and most of all, to show off the curves of the body without revealing too much.” Take a look at their items on Instagram and you will immediately be convinced that they live by their standards.

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They have a wide variety of designs to choose from! They have bikinis and monokinis with posh and lovely patterns that will surely match your vibrant personality. Their suits will surely make your beach photos perfect!

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They also have neoprene designs perfect for the sporty babes out there. You can snag an athletic look with the bold linings and solid colors of these suits. You can also go for the exotic pieces. Very unique and would definitely be a head turner at the beach.

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You should also know that Primrose has a super awesome Instagram feed so you definitely need to follow them!

Don’t miss out on the most stylish swimsuit collections by Primrose Swimwear. Follow them on their social media channels and be updated on their latest releases. Hit the beach wearing Primrose Swimwear and you’ll surely standout from the crowd. Make sure to tag them in your photos!


Primrose Swimwear
Instagram: @byprimrose
0922 774 6686