Mad World 2014 “Selfie”: How To Create Meaningful Personal Brands
When In Manila, there are many conferences you can attend to featuring the industry leaders in their respective fields which you shouldn’t pass up! Although we can read about inspirational stories and practical tips in books and at various websites, there is still a different high when you actually have someone successful in their fields talk about what they have learned while being in the industry.
One of this would be Philippine Junior Marketing Association’s Mad World Conference Series, where they gather all of the budding marketers of the Philippines and get the best of the best to inspire the next generation of marketers. Fortunately, although I’m already out of the academe, I was able to attend this year’s leg of Mad World entitled Mad World 2014 “Selfie”: How to Create Meaning ย Personal Brands last February 2,2014.
I arrived early, but the line outside SMX Convention Center was already long. True enough, there were approximately 4,400+ attendees from 68+ universities! Now, that’s a lot!ย
Crowd shot at Mad World 2014 “Selfie”: How to Create Meaningful Personal Brands
Hosting the event was Bea Fabregas, DJ at 99.5 Play FM and courtside reporter of UP Maroons. Good thing she had tons of energy and witty statements up her belt. Hosting for 4,400+ people alone is no joke.ย
Bea Fabregas hostingย Mad World 2014 “Selfie”: How to Create Meaningful Personal Brands
Marketing students were asked to participate in the Q& A portion at the beginning of the program
Being a marketer myself, I thought that I was in a room brimming with potential talent and future marketing executives. Philippine Junior Marketing Association really pushed it up a notch to bring together this many students in one hall! I never got to attend conferences in marketing like this back in college, so I wanted to tweet these students “Hey guys, you’re doing things right by attending!”
Philippine Junior Marketing Association AVP
First up wasย Paul John Peรฑa, Head of Integration and Marketing Communication – Globe Telecom. He talked about branding one’s self in social media. Now this was one practical talk since people are almost always mindless about what they post online. Some people think, “Hey, it’s my account. I can put whatever I want here.” Yes, it is your account, but it says more about you than you think. And yes, those drunk tweets didn’t do you any good.ย
Paul John Peรฑa atย Mad World 2014 “Selfie”: How to Create Meaningful Personal Brands
ย Note to self from Paul John Peรฑaย the next time I’ll post on my social media accounts
Here are some key points that I learned fromย Paul John Peรฑa’s talk:
Just like the brands and the media, we now have audiences that consume the content we create.
Back when we were in school, we only had our family and friends in our social media networks. As we progressed with our career, though, we expanded our network by adding industry players as our friends and followers. What would they want to see in your feed? Certainly not your YOLO photos.
Do an online reputation check of yourself.
Try going to Google and searching for your full name. If you were an employer and you see the results, would you hire yourself? I did this once and found a tweet of mine from 2009 that was highlighted by a website before. It wasn’t very flattering, but it was in the top 3 results on the search! (Let’s just say it was my HS-didn’t-really-think-before-tweeting tweet.) I graciously asked the website owner to take it down, so it’s gone now. The good news is that you can do the same thing with content that you believe isn’t relevant to you anymore.
Tweets to avoid: drunk tweets and whining tweets.
I think I’m not alone when I say I don’t like people who whine too much on Twitter. I think there are better avenues to whine like catching up with friends or opening up to your family, but not to people on the Internet (maybe if you tweet the official Twitter account of a brand as a dissatisfied customer, then that’s another story, though.)
Next wasย Nomer Lasala, Business Development Officer of Intellicare / Mind Master. This talk was unique from the rest because he did demonstrations of mentalism. He gave tips on how to stand out as your own personal brand, as well, and he did as he preached! He called up members of the audience to help him with the mentalism demonstrations.ย
Nomer Lasalaย atย Mad World 2014 “Selfie”: How to Create Meaningful Personal Brands
Nomer Lasala performing mentalism atย Mad World 2014 “Selfie”: How to Create Meaningful Personal Brands
Nomer Lasala performing mentalism atย Mad World 2014 “Selfie”: How to Create Meaningful Personal Brands
I really enjoyed this talk! Here are the key points ย fromย Nomer Lasala’s talk:
3 B’s: Be bold, Bungle, & Believe
Be Bold.
Be bold. Talent is not enough. You have to get yourself out there. There are many brands in the market but what sets you apart from the rest? You have to show it to other people and that’s not bragging. It’s just showing the world what you can offer.
Failure is part of success. It’s part of how we’ll know what our strengths and weaknesses are. He demonstrated the Psychic Touch with a couple from the audience. Although he had been doing this for 12 years now, he still had a hard time perfecting it.ย
This is a classic since it pertains to The Law of Attraction. So, you want to be the best marketer in the field of Digital Media? Believe you can be. If you want to build this brand for yourself, tell the universe that you believe YOU WILL BE.ย