
Kuppa Roastery and Cafe: Enjoy a ‘Kuppa’ Coffee and More

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

The sunny days are over and the season is quickly changing into the chilly, rainy months. During the cold days, though, isn’t a cup of coffee a glorious thing to have to warm you up and brighten up an otherwise gloomy day? Find the perfect brew at Kuppa Roastery and Cafe in BGC and savor the goodness of a ‘kuppa’ coffee made fresh everyday for you.

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

Warmth will instantly embrace you when you enter Kuppa Roastery and Cafe. The whole feel of the place will drag you to sit down and try their delicious meals and drinks that surely hit the spot. Whatever it is that you’re craving for, may it be something for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or something for your after-party hangover; Kuppa Roastery and Cafeย can fulfill those cravings!

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

While waiting for your orders, why not stay comfy in your seat and read a book? They have great selections for every kind of bookworm!

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

Every Tuesday, you can witness how they brew their coffee with this special machine. Kuppa Roastery and Cafe originated in Bacolod, and they brought their brewing techniques to Manila for everybody to taste and fall in love with!

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

We had three types of latte, all different in their own ways. The amount of espresso and milk put into the drinks separate one from the other.

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

They also showed us how they brew their coffee fresh! Here are two different methods to ensure fresh caffeinated drinks for your pleasure.

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

Through pressing, the taste of the coffee granules are extracted, resulting in a bold and complete coffee taste.

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

And… ta da! You can now enjoy your coffee! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

Kuppa’s cups of coffee go really well with these yummy treats. This Strawberry Cheesecake is creamy with the perfect amounts of sweetness and fruitiness.

Kuppa Roastery & Cafe

This chocolate peanut dome is a surprise with every forkful! The combined layers of dense chocolate and peanuts will leave you wanting more.

Read on to find out what else Kuppa has to offer!