Forever Summer : Your Guide To A Quick Baler Escape

The kids were able to surf in no time.


I think the bigger kids had a little more challenge.

2.  Ditumabo Falls

There is an abundance of waterfalls in Baler, even while driving along its roads leading to Lukso Lukso islets,  you can stop & drop by one & refresh yourselves.



Photo by Vince Berris

Photo by Vince Berris

The Ditumabo Falls is worth seeing.  It takes a 4km hike to get there – and what you will see is a 140-foot high waterfall surrounded by huge-cliffs. Definitely worth the effort getting to.

3.  Balete Tree

Want to see the biggest and oldest Balete tree in the country? At 500 years old this is one humunguos stopover you got to take.  You also get to go inside the trunk and see for yourself a cathedral of amazingness inside it.




CONTINUE READING  to see the other goodies Baler has to offer.