Get The Flawless Skin You Desire with Care To Bare : The Home of Korean Skincare

Before the treatments start you will be informed on the procedure and interviewed regarding your medication, diet, skincare regimen, etc. This is to ensure that your current condition is ready for the treatment. As for my mom, she initially wanted to have the intragen treatment but opted for the Aquapeel instead because she is pregnant. 

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The Aquapeel  is Care to Bare’s best-selling treatments. It is named as a new era in skin resurfacing and skin rejuvenation. It uses a unique spiral tip that does simultaneous non-invasive exfoliation and topical infusion of solution specific to the client’s skin condition. All at once AquaPeel provides: cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and anti-oxidant protection.


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It is unique because instead of crystals or other abrasive particles that can irritate the skin, AquaPeel uses organic solutions suitable for all skin types. It’s painless– no pricking, no injection, no downtime, and no discomfort eliminating the risk and health concerns of aluminum-based crystals associated with particulate abrasion.


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It visibly reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and acne and instantly improves hyperpigmentation, congested pores, and uneven skin. You may have a regular AquaPeel to treat : blackheads, whiteheads, demodex folliculorum, acne, dermabrasion, skin whitening and such.


 Now for me, I tried their Intragen treatment to fight early signs of skin aging. Below is the photo of the grid they use for your skin so they can accurately do the treatment.  I have visible wrinkles around my eyes already and a few in the corners of my lips, so best to treat them as early as now. In fact, Koreans have this treatment as early as 20 years old to keep the tightness and radiance of their skin. 


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Intragen employs a patented nonsurgical radiofrequency technology which uses a sophisticated treatment tip for skin tightening and contouring. It can safely, effectively, and visibly rejuvenate the skin. It works by targeting collagen contraction and further stimulates new collagen and replenishes depleting collagen to bring back the skin’s elasticity, strength, and suppleness. Unlike botox, this is non-invasive and will give slow but sure results, keeping the whole process painless and natural.


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Through individualized and well-planned application of this treatment, it can effectively and visibly lift sagging skin, tighten large pores, fade wrinkles, lift drooping eyelids, sagging jaw line, turkey and wrinkly neck. Results can be seen immediately after treatment but this will further improve and progressively get even better over the next 4-6 months even with just one treatment. You will continue “glowing” as time passees by, who wouldn’t want that?


What I love most about Care To Bare treatments is that unlike other dermas, theirs have no downtime. There are no restrictions after the treatment, no “you can’t drink this” or “you can’t do that yet” because most  are non-invasive (and very effective) treatments. This creates visible yet natural-looking results, without the pain.



 So When in Manila, book your appointment now!

Ali Mall : (02) 332.5768

Metro East :  (02) 470.9803

Marquee Mall : (045) 304.0926


Visit Care To Bare’s Website to know which treatment is perfect for you!
