
Can we please stop glorifying our stress?

Words by Leika Golez

One of the unspoken standards these days: the busier you are, the better. Apparently, more time spent working automatically entails being a more productive person. I mean, just take a look at your Twitter or your Facebook feeds. How many posts in there are claiming that they absolutely have toย neglect their needs for work?

Yes, it’s inevitable to be stressed sometimes with everything that we have to deal with every day, but it’s definitely not something to boast about. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not cool to overwork yourself. Your exhaustion isn’t some kind of trophy or award. If anything, it’s just a toxic indicator of you prioritizing your work over yourself.

But we can do so much better. We don’t have to sacrifice our health for work.

In fact, our needs should always go first. That may be easy to say, but with how much stress is normalized these days, it’s actually more difficult to practice. With that said, here are a few things to keep in mind throughout your journey of self-care.

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4. You’re allowed to say no

Sure, we’re lucky to receive social gathering invites and career openings. And of course it’s great to take opportunities, but that’s only if we’re actually capable of handling it. As they say, don’t bite off more than you can chew. Though others may think otherwise, you’re allowed to say no just because you want to.ย Your well-being will always be a valid excuse.

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3. It’s okay to take a break

You deserve to rest. Besides, you’re probably going to be a more efficient worker if you take care of yourself. So make sure you take the time to destress. And there are literally so many ways to do this! Go to a spa. Get your hair and nails done. Have a movie night marathon with your family. Take a quick vacation with your friends out of town. Basically, feel free to do anything that will keep you sane because you’ll need it for sure.

ALSO READ: 8 Self-Care Activities that will Change Your Life

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2. Ask for help

We love strong and independent people, but even they need help. It’s pretty much impossible to live completely alone anyway, so don’t be afraid to depend on others once in a while. Let’s face it: as much as we want to, we can’t always be strong. We can’t always handle everything on our plate. And you know what? That’s completely fine because our loved ones will help us get though it.

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1. You’re more than your work

You’ve already probably heard it before, but it’s still valid. Your personal worth doesn’t equate to your busy schedule, okay? Give yourself some credit the right way.ย 

So just let go of that notion and breathe out. I know it’s hard, but just remember that you can’t work properly without a healthy mind and body.

And overall, your stress doesn’t define you as a person. However, your self-respect does.

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