
5 Local Companies That Promote A Zero-Waste Lifestyle

We have a huge problem with garbage in the country. We produce tons of garbage each year and if you combine that with the waste of all the other countries in the world, it’s not good news.

It’s not good news for the planet, and it’s ultimately not good news for us.

There have been many programs by all kinds of organizations–from the government to non-government organizations–that aim to lessen the production of waste in the country or at least minimize the problem that we have. But we all have a part to play.

Thanks to today’s innovations, many companies offer products that help in having a zero-waste lifestyle. There are already a lot of these companies that have been established locally!

Here are five of them that are worth mentioning:

5. Zero Waste Philippines

Zero Waste Philippines offers metal strawsย and bamboo straws if you don’t like the feeling of cold (or hot) metal against your mouth when having a drink.

They also have a very cheap bundle of two different-sized metal straws and one bamboo straw with a pouch and cleaning brush! All of that for only PHP 139. A neat deal, right?


4. Minka Ventures


It’s not just straws that have an environment-friendly counterpart!

Minka Ventures offers bamboo toothbrushes so that instead of buying a plastic one every three months, you can get a biodegradable one instead. They’re actually very sturdy!

They have various types to choose from–the original bamboo toothbrush, one with charcoal bristles, or one specially made for kids!


3. Sip Steel Straws

Sip is well-known for their metal straws, but did you know that they offer reusable utensils as well?

They offer the Burrito set which includes their classic and milk tea straws, along with a bamboo spoon, fork, and a pair of bamboo chopsticks. All of these reusable utensils are all rolled into one canvas “Burrito” wrap.

This makes eating outside a whole lot more environmentally-friendly.


2. Island Happy

Aside from their bamboo straws and bamboo toothbrushes, Island Happy sells beeswax wrap which is an environment-friendly alternative for storing food. There’s no more need for hazardous cling wraps with these beeswax wraps. These are all-natural and anti-bacterial.

After using, just wash ’em, dry, and then use again!


1. Sinaya Cup

Women know how much waste we can generate when we’re on our period. Not only do we have to go through so much plastic waste for a week, we also have to go through it every month.

Sinaya Cup gives us a zero-waste alternative with their menstrual cups.

The menstrual cup is become widely known around the world, and Sinaya Cup is a local brand that makes it more accessible for Filipinas.


Do you know of other local brands that promote a zero-waste lifestyle? Share it with us!