23 Things You Should Know by the Time You Turn 23

 11. You reap what you sow.

Whatever and wherever you are, today is a product of your daily choices. You cannot expect fruits if you have never planted any seeds of hard work and effort in the first place. Even if you were a victim during a certain time of your life, you don’t have to remain a victim forever.

23 things you should know #13-b

10. Don’t forget to feel good.

Aside from rocking your OOTDs, make sure your mind is at peace and never let anyone steal that from you. Feed your mind correctly and never let your demons win. You have to surround yourself with people that will lift you up and people who will inspire you to live beautifully. Breathe, pray and meditate.

23 things you need to know #14

9. Your body is a temple not a dungeon.

I get it: pizza is bae and life is too short for just a piece of cake, but your body still needs to be taken care of. The goal is not to have a 10-inch waist line or to be as sexy as the girls in fashion magazines; the goal is to be healthy.

23 things you should know #15

8. Intelligence is sexy and helpful.

Being intelligent doesn’t mean you have to be a know-it-all; it means being well-informed, being open to suggestions, talking with substance and learning. Nothing is more irresistible than the ability to hold deep conversations.

23 things you should know #16

7. You have a choice.

By 23, you should accept that life doesn’t owe you anything and that you have a choice in life.

23 things you should know #17

6. Not everything you read on social media is true.

“FOMO” or the Fear Of Missing Out is real, but not everything that you read on social media is true. Maybe some of your acquaintances have life all figured out unlike you, but you just don’t know that they cry when they’re alone. Stop comparing your behind-the-scenes with other people’s selected highlighted reels.

23 things you should know #18

5. There is power in forgiveness.

The ability of not slapping the face of your enemy is maturity. The ability to forgive someone who is not even sorry is called bravery.

23 things you should know #19

4. Mom and Dad are right about a lot of things.

It turns out Mom and Dad are right. Your first broken heart is not the end of the world. You need to work hard if you want to accomplish things. Now go and give them a kiss and a hug. It’s not easy being an adult, but your Mom and Dad survived it.

23 things you should know #20

3. It’s okay if you don’t have your dream job.

You are working your way up there. Don’t compare yourself to others because you have your own race and so do they. Just because you run slower doesn’t mean you will not get there. Your dream job will not fall from the sky and even if it does, there will be a great chance that you will take it for granted until you realize that it is not what you wanted.

23 things you should know #21

2. Nothing will happen if you will not give it a try.

Our youth is our prime; capitalize on that.

23 things you need to know #24

1. Life is tough, but is meant to be enjoyed.

Your twenties will be over before you know it, so rather than cuddling into your quarter life crisis, enjoy life. Don’t let your youth slip away. Love like you’ve never known pain, forgive like there is no tomorrow, and laugh like this is your last day on earth.

23 things you should know #23

How about you? Got any advice for someone who is turning 23? Comment some words of wisdom below.

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