
1-Day Root Canal at Curadent Dental Clinic Baguio City

When I was visiting my mom in Baguio last week, a very painful toothache hit me while we were having dinner. That night, I couldnโ€™t sleep cause of the pain, so I just chugged in some pain relievers just to get through the night.

The first thing I did in the morning when I woke up is to call up my buddy studying dentistry, Justin, to help me seek the best medical attention I can get while I’m in Baguio. He pointed me to Curadent Dental Clinic.

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Luckily, Curadent is just 3 minutes away from my momโ€™s house so I paid it a visit immediately.

Curadent Baguio-2Just chillin’ with the pain while waiting for my turn with the dentist.

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Curadent’s modern dentist chair where everything is automated–even the lights.

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After almost 5 years of not having my regular dentist appointments, the diagnosis was for me to have my 1st molar root canaled. Since the pain is unbearable, I had no choice but to do it, and do it ASAP. So doctor Ryan Jucutan set the root canal appointment first thing the next day.

I asked around people how root canal is performed.

Will it hurt bad? Will it affect my meeting a few hours after the operation? According to the people I asked, it will hurt badly since it will take a few appointments to be finished, and the pain might affect the business meeting Iโ€™m supposed to attend after the operation.

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This is it: judgement day. I felt kinda scared and excited at the same time. Thinking this will be my first dentist meeting in years visiting the dentist, and OH MY GOD, THIS WIL BE MY FIRST DENTIST MEETING IN YEARS.

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The root canal process lasted for about 40 mins. And I was surprised that Doctor Ryan Jucutan told me that the root canal only needs 1 session since they have state of the art equipment that can do it in one sitting. A very hassle free first-time experience having my canals rooted.

Curadent Baguio-9Taking a photo op with Mr. and Mrs. Jucutan with a half numb face.

If youโ€™re living or visiting Baguio, and have an aching tooth, be sure to check out Curadent Dental Clinic. One of the most advanced and reliable dental clinics in Baguio City.

Curadent Dental Clinic

LGS2 Megatower Residences, Sandico St. Baguio City
0927-298-8826 / 0908-708-6601

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