I never knew how hard it was to take care of someone sick until I had to take care of my own children and my mom. Caring for someone sick could be mentally and physically draining. I know as I’ve experienced that with my dying mom whilst juggling a lot of things. The stress and exhaustion took a toll on me. As a result, I got sick and eventually lost my job.This video I’m about to share is a great interpretation of how vital it is to take care of our carers, also known as, caregivers.
In this great initiative by RiteMED, it explains the hardship, as well as, the rewarding feeling of giving care to anyone in our family.
It might be a rewarding experience [to take care of someone] but sometimes, the people around us neglect the fact caregivers or carers need some care too. In this tearjerker video, two carers were interviewed about the hardships and sacrificial things they do as a carer. Violy Dela Mar proudly shared that spending more time is the best sacrifice you could give to someone who needs some “Tender Loving Care” popularly known as TLC.
If you have been a carer, I know you could relate to this. Watch the touching video below:
Although this video was shared last year, I think it’s timely to share it on Valentine’s Day.
Being a carer isn’t a walk in the park. One must have patience, mindfulness, and generous heart. And oftentimes, our carers just need one thing: hugs (and kisses).
Do you know a carer who needs “tender loving care?”ย