
Thoughts on APEC 2015: “It is Our Opportunity to Show the World We Are Capable and Mature”

The APEC meet is happening in Manila and the Philippine government is obviously making all the necessary preparations to welcome our guests. However, not too many people seem happy with the inconvenience it is causing them. Countries that take part in the APEC summit take turns hosting it and it just so happens that this year is the Philippines’ turn to host. While many have shown or voiced out their concen regarding this meet, there are others who choose to support the importance instead.

Business owner Elbert Cuenca has a different opinion.  Read his thoughts below:


We’re sure a lot of people were inconvenienced by this summit. A lot were stranded or stuck in traffic. Many others felt we were treated as “second-class citizens in our own nation”, but at the end of it all, the summit IS actually for the greater good of all… don’t you think?

What do you guys think of Elbert’s sentiments? Do you agree?

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