Thinking, Feeling, and Doing Well in Uncertainties and Challenges

Can you possibly live well in the walls of your home amidst all the uncertainties and challenges brought by the pandemic? 


According to the Institute for Integrality, Inc., the Pioneer of Positivity in the Philippines, every person can survive and thrive in an imperfect world with the very treasures he already has within. Making use of a holistic framework proven through Positive Psychology and multi-disciplinary research — from the fields of psychology, philosophy, anthropology, management, economics, communication, and sociology, among others — one can imbibe Positivity by learning to unleash the maximum power of his thoughts, emotions, and actions through the harmonizing element of purpose. 


Learn about the three parts of Integrality’s Positivity Model:


  1. Think Well

Think Well is the first part of the Positivity Model which involves the wellness of the mind. It begins with “The Big Why” where one determines his essentials and priorities. One can only access this through the inner core — hence, there is the encouragement of carving reflection times in one’s busy days through the “The Power of Pause”. Finally, amid one’s grind is the significance of “The Habit of Mindfulness” to beat thinking errors and become aware of the good things happening in every circumstance. The expected outcome of Think Well is Clarity of Mind.


  1. Feel Well

Feel Well is the second part of the Positivity Model which involves the wellness of the heart. Accordingly, this part begins with “Strengths and Vulnerabilities” teaching one to embrace his shortcomings and limitations because both exist for a purpose. This then points to “Uniqueness and Diversity” in a way that one begins to understand and value others with compassion, empathy, and trust despite their differences. The expected outcome of Feel Well is Inner Joy and Peace.


  1. Do Well

Do Well is the third and last part of the Positivity Model which involves the wellness of the body. This involves “Balance and Well-Being” through time management tools and tips for work-life integration, “Process vs. Outcome” through highlights of the values in one’s pursuit, and “Grit and Resilience” through inputs on passion and perseverance in one’s purpose which is a significant factor in thriving through life’s inevitable challenges. The expected outcome of Do Well is Strength of Character.

Thoughts Feelings Actions Webinar WIM

With the gift of technology, you may now achieve purposefulness, happiness, fulfillment, and wholeness in the comfort of your home! Unleash your power to think, feel, and do well with Integrality Webinars. Allow us to be with you in transforming the quarantine period into a learning opportunity through interactive discussions, breakout sessions, and fun activities. Even during this season, let us altogether learn to flourish in all circumstances!


The next Positivity Webinar is happening on May 22, 2020, from 1-4 PM. For details on this program, you may visit Promo bundles are available at discounted rates for a limited time only. Call us at 0917-8872550 or email us at


Transform your life. Experience learning that transforms. Train with Integrality.