READ: 5 “Adulting” Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs

As you may have learned by now, growing up is not as easy as it sounds. From waking up early for work, cooking your own meals and paying the bills, you’ve finally realized that “adulting” is not that fun. And so, as you try to navigate your way in this cruel challenging world, here are 5 mistakes that you should look out for and try to avoid at all costs.

You wouldn’t want to make life more difficult, won’t you? Here we go.

5. Not saving even a peso from your bi-monthly salary

With all the temptations out there just whispering in your ear to spend, spend and spend some more, it is really tough to stick to your budget, more so, put some money aside for your savings.

But then, a little sacrifice like not going to malls when you are near your spending limit or saying no to going out with your friends on a Friday night every once in a while will save you from future financial headaches. Make sure to have a back-up fund in case of emergencies.

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4. Unsafe sex

If taking care of your own self is already tiresome for you, then how much more if there is a person whose entire life depends on you? Aside from unwanted pregnancy, unsafe sex leaves you exposed to the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Be responsible and stay safe at all times.

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3. Jumping from one job to another

People jump from one job to another in the hopes of being offered a higher salary than what they currently have. While this might work for some, it is a hit-and-miss strategy as some companies will also consider the time you spent on your previous job as a basis for hiring.

It would be better to stick to your job for at least a year before moving forward. Plus, you get the chance to improve yourself and learn more skills before transferring to your “dream job”.

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2. Setting your family aside

Yes, we get that you are busy trying to build a career and a life, but don’t you think that your family should still be a vital part of this new life that you are trying to create? And so, the next time you take time off from work, go and visit your hometown and spend some quality time with your family.

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1. Not taking care of your body

While you’re taking your job seriously and working really hard to get that promotion, you should also make sure that you get enough rest. Try not to eat too much junk food, too. You might not feel it now, but taking your health for granted might lead to bigger problems in the future and this might compromise all the hard work you are putting in. 

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But hey, it’s okay to make mistakes. Consider them as your tuition fee in life. What’s important is that you learn from them and you use them to become a little wiser.

Do you have anything to add to the list? Tell us in the comments!