
“Keep It Green” Music Video Debuts at Berde Comeback 2025

The “Berde Comeback 2025” LSGH Alumni Homecoming will launch the “Keep It Green” Deaf Awareness music video on February 1, 2025.

This project is a dream come true for Mr. Rannie Z. Raymundo, who spearheaded and directed the music video using an original song dedicated to La Salle Green Hills (LSGH). It was produced in partnership with the La Salle Green Hills Adult Night High School Alumni Association (LSGH ANHSAA), led by Ms. Angelica Y. Borlado and Marcelon Miranda.

The live project launch will take place on February 1, 2025, at the โ€œBerde Comebackโ€โ€”the 2025 LSGH Alumni Homecomingโ€”hosted by LSGH Batch 2000/DosMil.

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This inspiring project aims to promote the Deaf Learner Program at LSGH, encouraging social inclusion, raising awareness about Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals, and reducing barriers between the Deaf and hearing communities. It also highlights the musical and artistic talents of the Deaf alumni and students of LSGH Alternative Education (LSGH AltEd, formerly LSGH ANHS).

โ€œKeep It Greenโ€ โ€“ Lyrics by Mr. Macky Maceda (LSGH Batch 84) and music by Mr. Rannie Raymundo (LSGH Batch 85).

Performed by:
Mr. Rannie Raymundo (LSGH 85)
Chuck Abello (LSGH 85)
Macky Maceda (LSGH 85)
Andre Soler (LSGH 88)

Music Video Features:
Talented LSGH AltEd Deaf alumni: Jobilee Melecio, Cromkell Vasquez, Eidboy Genoguin, Joseph Antonio, and Kristina Cruz.
LSGH AltEd Deaf student: Jergen Ross
With the support of Sign Language Interpreter: Ms. Leah Apuli
Choreography by: Arianne Bulaong (from Benilde)

Watch the YouTube world premiere on the same day at 9 PM:

Directed by: Mr. Rannie Raymundo
Assistant Director: Mr. Lance Raymundo
Edited by: Peter Eduria
Powered by: LSGH Alumni Association

Full credits are listed at the end of the video.

#lsghanhsaa #lsghaa #berdecomeback2025 #KeepItGreen #DeafAwarenessProgram

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