
Ever Wondered What the World Leaders Would Look like in Man Buns?

The APEC summit is happening this week in the Philippines, and all over the internet we’re seeing updates of the security measures, warnings, road closures and the like. While some have expressed some dislike for the said summit, let’s try and understand that this is a very important and crucial meeting that will be for the better good of all.

In the meantime, allow us to put a little smile on your face and share some photos we found on Hint Fashion Magazine’s FB page. Ever wondered what the world leaders would look like in man buns? Check it out!


Vladimir Putin – President of Russia

World Leaders Man Bun (02)

World Leaders Man Bun (08)

World Leaders Man Bun (13)


Barack Obama – President of the United States of America

World Leaders Man Bun (01)

World Leaders Man Bun (17)

George W. Bush – Former President of the United States

World Leaders Man Bun (14)

World Leaders Man Bun (04)

Bill Clinton – Former president of the United States

World Leaders Man Bun (09)

John F. Kennedy – Former president of the United States

*beside him is Lyndon B. Johnson, also sporting a man-bun!

World Leaders Man Bun (07)

Abraham Lincoln – 16th President of the United States of America

World Leaders Man Bun (03)

World Leaders Man Bun (15)

David Cameron – British Prime Minister

World Leaders Man Bun (06)

George Washington – First US President

World Leaders Man Bun (11)

Kim Jong-un – Supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

World Leaders Man Bun (18)

World Leaders Man Bun (12)

and as a little extra… 3 man buns in one photo!ย  (heehee)

World Leaders Man Bun (05)

So, what did you guys think of these? Who do you think wore it best?

PLEASE someone send us a photo of PNOY with a man-bun too!


*disclaimer: we do not own these photos and are merely sharing them for entertainment. If you know the rightful owner of these photos, please send us a message so we may credit them accordingly.

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