
The 6 Best Instagram Reels Trends to Try in 2022

The ever-growing demand for short-form video content has made Reels a powerful marketing tool. 

Since its introduction on Facebook and Instagram, Reels has grown to become a treasure trove of entertaining, imaginative, and educational video content from around the world. It’s now an ideal place for brands to get discovered on the global stage, express themselves with more creativity and fun, and can play a powerful role in crafting compelling narratives that drive excitement, engagement, and awareness.

By now, you already know that Meta wants you to use Reels, providing it with more content to feed into the ever-growing interest in short-form content. Using Reels can also get customers from discovery to purchase, with product tags that you can use so visitors can shop and learn more about your products.

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While most brands have not joined the ride and are still reluctant to use Reels, data has revealed the opportunities they are missing out on by not using and integrating more Reels. 

According to a global study, more than 45% of accounts now interact with the app’s reel at least once a week. In addition, Reels now make up more than 20% of the time that people spend on Instagram, while video overall accounts for 50% of the time that users spend on Facebook.

The TikTok effect has transformed the product roadmaps of many social platforms, and the usage stats suggest that if you want to maximize your Facebook and IG performance, it’s worth considering Reels in your content marketing approach.

Today, Instagram has shared tips to help maximize your Reels performance and provide more inspiration for your short-form video approach.

1. Nail the hook 

According to Instagram, brands should look to keep their objectives in mind and highlight their brand within the first few seconds of your Reels. They also underscored the need to keep the storytelling short and sweet. If the intent is to convert, showcase your product or service in action. “Short-form videos mean short time limits and even shorter attention spans! Use your content wisely, “Instagram says.

2. Get creative with transitions 

Creativity is key in short-form videos, and Instagram suggests that brands experiment with transitions to both entertain their viewers and show off their brand’s personality. You can consider different presentation styles, such as augmented reality effects, custom audio, and timers to keep things fresh. Watching content from other brands and creators can also help you come up with more engaging short videos. 

3. Match the rhythm

Sync your music. Instagram notes that over 80% of Reels are viewed with sound on, and syncing your content to music can greatly maximize your content’s performance. IG also recommends using auto-captions to enhance engagement.

4. Keep it on trend 

It is also important to stay in touch with the latest and use the newest effects on Reels. This includes taking part in cultural moments, trending topics, and popular challenges that are relevant to your brand. Create and encourage your audience to remix your Reels, or spark a conversation with them in the comments section. Try adding relevant hashtags to optimize exposure for your content.

5. Explore collaborations

If you want to tap into the creative power of reels, working with experienced and skilled creators can be a great way to boost your brand story in new and fresh ways. “Collaborating with influencer voices drives more engagement, authenticity, and awareness. Campaigns that include branded content ads saw a +123% lift in awareness, a +112% lift in association, and a +67% lift in consideration and motivation, showing that creators can help boost brand impact.’

6. Be authentic

Reels is a place where authenticity thrives. IG suggests creating Reels that are true to you and that reflect your brand values. That’s not highly directive, but the concept is that people are looking for real, unvarnished connections and content within Reels, in variance to past social media trends, which can then help them to connect with your brand ethos and approach.

With these great tips in mind, remember that Reels is also a perfect avenue for brand expression and experimentation, as well as an effective platform to forge meaningful and lasting connections between brands and people.

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