Author: Carlo Dinglasan

Linden Suites Staycation

The Linden Suites: A Staycation Done Right

Stay·ca·tion /ˌstāˈkāSHn/ noun informal – according to is “a vacation spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions”. It is also an activity …
New World Savour Australia

New World Makati Hotel: Savour Australia!

Australia, again, the Land Down Under.  The nation that brought us Crocodile Dundee, Hugh Jackman and quite possibly, Bogart the Explorer. New World Makati Hotel in partnership with the Australian Trade Commission and the State …
Spice Lab

The Spice Lab: Heating Up Your Palates!

Sauces, viands, and side dishes—integral parts of the Filipino cuisine. An adobo is not complete without the freshly cut tomatoes with fish sauce, nor is a fried tilapia without the soy sauce with calamansi, or …