10 Drawing Tips for Every Aspiring Artist

5.  Familiarize yourself with the locality of colors.

Do you still remember the basic color scheme lessons in pre-school or early grade school? That Red, Yellow, and Blue are the primary colors, and green, orange and purple are the three colors you get when you mix two primary colors (thus making them the secondary colors)?

Try to go back to that lesson again because knowing the locality of colors can help you assess which colors complement each other. Also, being familiar with color schemes will bring out the resourceful person in you as you can manage to work with a limited set of choices (say, a set of 10 pastel colors) and still produce the desired color/s that you want.



Tasked to work only with red, flesh, white, and black pastel colors, I hope I gave even the smallest ounce of justice to this apple….

4. Overwork is messy.

You know what they say: too much of anything is bad; the same goes with drawing. Although art is an avenue where you can express yourself without inhibitions, it is still better to focus on what you really want to convey, so that your expression won’t be lost in translation.


3. Give justice to what you are depicting.

This may be a high task, but it is exactly what every subject deserves. Whether it is an inanimate or animate subject that can talk back, we should always give our 100% when drawing something.


2. Compare, compare, compare.

This is not to say that you should compare your work with the work of others, but you should at least compare your own works of art. Try to analyze your own pieces, see which things were done correctly or what lacked in a piece or two, and try to apply what you learned the next time. You can better discover yourself as an artist this way.

1. Keep trying even if you believe you will fail.

As in life (yass), don’t ever stop when creating your next work of art. Yes, we’re beginners, and yes, our mindset when starting is that we’re outright bound for failure, but you should stray away from that mindset and instead remind yourself that “practice makes perfect”. Go ahead and take a break every now and then, but don’t ever completely stop, because when you stop, that’s when you disappoint the child in you.

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Presenting the cute class of the Basic Drawing Workshop 2017!

Drawing is indeed a struggle; but just like every struggle, there’s beauty in the experience. Immerse yourself in this experience. Learn from all your failures in drawing. Do remember that “the master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried” (Stephen McCranie).

Ayala Museum

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