Aquarius season is here! This is a time when we embrace our relationships, hopes, and dreams, welcome change (even when it’s least welcomed), and give freely to others without expecting anything in return. After a busy Capricorn season when we went into overdrive to get things done, Aquarius provides us solace to rest and relax — so what better way to celebrate it than taking a loooong break?
Here’s how the Aquarius season will affect you this week:
Aries (March 21 to April 19)
You may be having trouble balancing work and home life right now, leaving you feeling frustrated and dissatisfied. You must evaluate your priorities to find clarity on which direction to take. Once it’s much clearer to you, trust the path you’ve chosen. People around you will support and guide you along the way. You are never alone in this!
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Your impatience is what will lead you to make careless mistakes. You must take it slow, anticipate the challenges ahead, and reserve your energy for bigger battles! Stop comparing yourself to others; every person has their own journey to embark. Don’t aspire to be at the top—focus on what will make you happy and fulfilled!
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
You’ll see that all your hard work will pay off soon and you shouldn’t deprive yourself of relishing the fruits of your labor. Keep manifesting success because the journey doesn’t end here! You’re in this for the long haul. Trust your gut and let it lead you to the right answers. You’re right on track to where you need to go.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
You may be resisting change just to play it safe, but there’s no better time than now to go after your passions and bring more joy and fulfillment into your life! Acknowledge your wins and allow yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Buy that thing you’ve been wanting! Get some much-needed rest! You deserve all these, so don’t deprive yourself of them.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
You are struggling to make decisions, afraid to miss out on what you don’t choose. But you must decide on what promises more fulfillment for you and trust that the universe will get you there. Open your heart to the possibilities! See the abundant good fortune around you. Just enjoy the journey and let it all fall into place in time.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Be careful about resisting change too much just to stay in control. Staying where you are will only inhibit your growth and keep you from realizing your true potential. Let go of your fear of making the wrong choice! As long as you’re clear on what your long term visions are, you will get to where you need to be eventually. Trust the process.
(In case you missed it: Here’s Your Horoscope for the Week of January 13)
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You will reach a long-term goal soon but it will inspire feelings of anxiety over what comes next. Your fear of the unknown will stop you from taking risks, but you must welcome change in order to explore newer, better worlds! With endings come new beginnings so seize the opportunities that are coming your way.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Juggling too many things at once might keep you busy but may lead to burnout if you don’t know your own limits. Once that happens, be wary of falling back into negative and unhealthy habits just to cope. Stay aligned with your values! Create a structure so you can stay in control and focus on the important tasks that will help you build your long-term vision.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Responsibilities feel heavy on your shoulders right now and you are longing to find a place of solace just to escape them for a while. Go ahead and take a break! Let go of your need to meet the high expectations that you or others have set for you. Instead, just go for what’s most important to you and what gives you the most joy! Let passion help you get back on your feet again.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
You are filled with so much energy and enthusiasm for your goals and yet your mind is in total chaos. You’re raring to go yet are unable to focus on the path ahead. You need to get your head out of the clouds and be clear on what you want. Get ready to venture into new places and discover yourself in new ways. Trust your gut, listen to your heart, and believe in yourself!
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Change is coming whether you like it or not and you won’t be able to control it. Understand that good things happen in tandem with the bad, and that’s just a part of the journey. Resolve your inner conflict and know that hardships are only temporary. Stay focused on your goals and keep moving forward!
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Trust that hardship will soon come to an end and you will get back on your feet! Be proud of yourself for pushing through the hard times. Don’t rush to make your goals happen just yet; focus on choosing situations that are free from stress and anxiety, and taking things one step at a time.
(In case you missed it: Here’s Your Horoscope for the Week of January 13)
What are you looking forward to this week? Tell us in the comments!
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