
This Video of Tom Hiddleston Doing a Crazy Dance is the Most Amusing Thing You’ll See Today

I actually don’t know what’s happening here, but somehow here’s a crazy video of Tom Hiddleston, aka Thor’s mad brother Loki, doing a crazy dance at some mall show at what looks like somewhere in South East Asia. But that doesn’t really matter, because what’s important here is LOKI. IS DANCING. LIKE A CRAZY. ADORABLE. PERSON.

I was actually surprised at first, because hun, the Hiddleston has got some moves. I mean, he dances really well. And then I remembered the Tom Hiddleston x Taylor Swift dance-off that happened at the MET Gala in 2016, which probably also sparked their romance. So, wait, did Tom really pull these moves at the dance floor with Taylor? There’s a huge chance that is what might have happened.

We’ll never know, but hey, at least we’ve got this video:

Never change, Loki. Never change.

Did this crazy dance video brighten up your day??? Tell us what you think in the comments!