
SULYAP at the Pinto Art Museum on November 15



In partnership with Pinto Art Gallery, Logos gives you a glimpse of different genres of performance art in Sulyap on November 15..

Sulyap is a multi-genre performance art event that features art genres such as poetry, music, dance, and storytelling. These performances will take place inside the different galleries in order to give a multi-sensory experience. Performances will happen from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and be concluded by an open mic segment.

Logos serves as the organizers – a community of artists that promotes art that is socially responsible, intellectually engaging, and possessor of high spiritual value. The community of Logos is comprised of young artists that practice different art forms and express themselves in different mediums.

Together with WhenInManila.com, Logos invites everyone to Sulyap on November 15. Help Logos promote and give a glimpse into the contemplative and appreciative wonders that art can provide.

For more updates, follow Logos on Facebook atย facebook.com/LogosOrg.