The Comeback of “Pogi Rock” by Komiko: The Album Launch

The Comeback of “Pogi Rock” by Komiko: The Album Launch


Comeback Pogi Rock Komiko Album Launch

Komiko’s debut album

On Fridays, when the night is still young, party-goers usually gather at different bars to have some general fun. However, on May 30, 2014, things were a bit different at the 278 Apache Bar in BF Homes, Parañaque. That night, the band Komiko launched their very first album, offering fresh hits to cater to the music-loving people of today.

This feat for the one-year-old band is a bit of a dream for them since they originally planned for the launch to be a simple one. The huge gathering of their supporters that showed up that night, though, gave them a high the likes of which they had never experienced before.

As I entered the door of the bar, loud music penetrated deep into my ears. Miko Cadiz, Komiko’s vocalist, greeted me with a big smile as he led me to the curtain that would reveal the launch. As I took my seat, the first guest performer, Karma Thief, sent the crowd some good ol’ rock ‘n roll, whetting their appetite for the other stream of songs that would be playing throughout the night.

Comeback Pogi Rock Komiko Album Launch

The Comeback of “Pogi Rock” by Komiko: The Album Launch


The subsequent performances included Sgt. Pepper, Mutiny, and Jensen and the Flips (who also performed at this year’s 7107 International Music Festival), all of which entertained the guests as they filled the room with the sound of their instruments and heartfelt lyrics. In-between these performances, Miko and the host DJ Acey of Rakista Radio, drew names from the guest list to raffle off a pair of Philips headphones.

Comeback Pogi Rock Komiko Album Launch

Karma Thief


Comeback Pogi Rock Komiko Album Launch

Sgt. Pepper


Comeback Pogi Rock Komiko Album Launch


Comeback Pogi Rock Komiko Album Launch

Jensen and the Flips 

Comeback Pogi Rock Komiko Album Launch

One of the lucky winners of the Philips headphones


Comeback Pogi Rock Komiko Album Launch

DJ Acey

After the long anticipation and as midnight approached, Komiko finally took center stage. Miko shared that it would be their first time to perform for such a huge crowd and expressed how thankful and grateful they were for the love and support for their launch.

Comeback Pogi Rock Komiko Album Launch

Left to right: Poch (Guitars), Miko (Vocals) and Anna (Bass)

I got chills when Komiko played their songs; every pluck, strum and beat was simply full of passion. The spirit of oneness enveloped the room and people got lost in their own minds as they listened to Komiko’s remarkable “pogi rock” music.

Here’s a video of their last performance that night:


Video by Hans Olmedo.


After the launch, I got to sit down with the band and talk about them and their album. Komiko, named after the vocalist’s nickname in college, started out a year ago, with Sugarfree and Spongecola as their musical inspirations. Despite their lack of a permanent drummer, they were still able to push through with the release of their album. Faced with different struggles along the way, they still managed to go through with it, thanks to their discernable dedication, commitment and love for their craft.

Indeed, Komiko is one band that you should definitely look out for. Their journey may just be beginning, but Pogi Rock is ready to steal the limelight – take my word for it!









The Comeback of “Pogi Rock” by Komiko: The Album Launch