
Pasyal Sundays: The Newest Thing to Do on Sunday Afternoons

Pasyal Sundays: The Newest Thing to Do on Sunday Afternoons


When In Manila, Sunday afternoons are usually spent chilling out.ย  We have a love-hate relationship with Sundays. On one hand, it is the bonding day spent with your family by going to church and then maybe to the mall; but at the same time, it also means that it is the end of the weekend. So, if you are looking for something new to do, Pasyal Sunday it is!

Pasyal Sunday



Viva Manila is an organization dedicated to revive the tourism in the City of Manila and bring more locals and tourists together to revive the old glory of our city. Right now, Pasyal Sundays only runs once a month; but during this time,ย they close down General Luna Street from Plazuela de Sta. Isabel until the San Agustin Church to make an awesome car-free event! The event showcases local artists, performers, and small businesses, among other cool things.

Pasyal Sunday

Last Sunday, March 16, was the first Pasyal for the year and it was a very successful one.ย  I was one of the local small businesses that had a booth selling graphic t-shirts there. Other stores that caught my attention were Sebastianโ€™s Artisan Ice Cream, Happy Bubble, Kalsada Coffee and Smokey Tours. I love that the organisers also included the regular Intramuros vendors selling fedora hats, dirty ice cream, and fish balls on the side walk. ย 

Pasyal Sunday

My friend tried and raved about Sebastianโ€™s Sapin Sapin and Champorado ice cream; I tried them and they do taste like the colder, creamier versions of the real things! Happy Bubble sells bubble kits that create awesome giant bubbles, while Kalsada Coffee sells homegrown beans and cold brewed coffee to help local coffee famers.ย Smokey Tours, on the other hand, is a group that offer tours of Smokey Mountain while helping out the locals that live there, as well. Read our article on Smokey Tours here:ย https://www.wheninmanila.com/smokey-tours-a-tour-to-remember-in-the-slums-of-manila/

Pasyal Sunday

Pasyal Sunday

While walking or biking around Intramuros, you can also hear local poets reciting their poems. Not that I expected anything less, but I was so impressed by the poems that were recited.ย  I imagine the foreigners who came to Pasyal must have been amazed by the quality of art and English that we are capable of as Filipinos, as well.

Pasyal Sunday

No matter what your interest is, you will find something nice to do or see on Pasyal Sundays. With the bubbles flying in the air, the drums beating, kids laughing, and aroma of barbeque that blankets the street, the friendly ambiance that is Pasyal Sunday is easily created.


Viva Manila: Pasyal Sundays


Viva Manilaโ€™s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/VivaManila/1410948189121748

Intramurosโ€™ Pasyal Sundays on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/703229643033486/


Pasyal Sundays are scheduled to happen on April 27, 2014 and May 25, 2014, from 3PM to 9PM.



Pasyal Sundays: The Newest Thing to Do on Sunday Afternoons