
No Girl Friends? This Woman Invited Her Bros to Her Wedding Instead

This is going to sound silly, but there was a time in my life when I would completely dismiss the idea of a wedding because, well, to put it simply: I didn’t have any female friends. I’ve always been ‘one of the boys’ and I couldn’t imagine a bridal entourageย of my own.

(ALSO READ:ย Anna Kendrick Doesn’t Want to be a Bridesmaid)

While I have graduated from that silly notion by now, it was still refreshing to see a Brazilian bride post about her experience with her guy buds for her wedding day.

Bro Bridesmaids 1

Bored Panda wrote about Rebeca recently, a computer engineer who, because of her college program, mostly has male friends. The photos are absolutely adorable – to the point that I’m actually rethinking having a bridal entourage of men on my wedding (if that ever happens – fingers crossed!) Check out more photos here:

Bro Bridesmaids 4

Bro Bridesmaids 3

Bro Bridesmaids 2Photos byย Fernando Duque Fotografia.


What do you think of this idea? ๐Ÿ™‚ Share photos with us of your own bridal photo shoot! We’d love to see them! ๐Ÿ˜€