Namnam Comfort Filipino: Appetizing the Pinoy Palate

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 Ensaladang Namnam is made of  Tinapa Flakes, Mangat Bagoong, Pomelo, Native Tomatos and Red Onions. 


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 Tinapa Rice. It is serve with red egg on top.

Tinapa is a Filipino delicacy. It is a preserved fish by smoking technique. 


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Caramelized Patis Wings.  This is so fancy that I asked their chef how it was made. I always believe if your customer got curious with the cooking process it means you are serving authentic and creative viands. 

Patis is the tagalog term for fish sauce. It is the produce liquid squeezed from fermented fish with sea salt. 


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Mango + Pomelo + Coconut Cream + Sago. Pearl Shakes. This drink is awesome. Based from the name, you would wonder how they were able to combine this flavors.  As soon as I have tried sipping and gulping on the sago, I realized, this is worth it. The acidity and sweetness blends well. Thumbs up for creating this.

Sago is the tagalog term for Tapioca.


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 Camias Lemongrass.