Move Over Range Rover and Hummer, Here Comes the Real King of the Road!!!ย
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The jeepney is the most popular mode of transportation in the country. Each and every Filipino, coming from any income bracket, has ridden a jeepney at least once in their lives, or at the very least, knows what a jeepney is. Aside from serving as transportation for many, it is a symbol of a huge chunk of our history. Coming a long way from post-World War II Willy jeeps that were left in the country and then pimped by locals to serve as a share-car type of transportation, jeepneys have been called the “king of the road” ever since.
However, with the arrival of other modes of transportation like private cars of all sorts of sizes and shapes, many of us thought of the demise of jeepneys, no longer calling them the king the road. We see more and more of these cars, but it is good that we can still see a significant number of jeepneys in the metro. Most of the time, these jeepneys are still crowded with passengers, and they try to drive ahead of each other to catch the next passenger ahead. Thus, they hog the road, making them king.
Furthermore, this video below fortifies that the jeepney is still the king of the road! Not only because they hog the road like they own it, but because jeepneys can take even the toughest of road conditions (even underwater) and come out on top.
Can range rovers and hummers do what these jeepneys can do? These jeepneys dare you. Actually, they double dare you.
Just when I thought one of these jeepneys would topple over, they still went on, crossed the roads of raging water, and proved that they own any type of road — even those submerged in water.
And the drivers? They have nerves of steel!
Still kings? I believe so.
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Move Over Range Rover and Hummer, Here Comes the Real King of the Road!!!ย