Sunset is probably the best time of the day and the most beautiful color out there.
The way different shades of red, orange and yellow come together to paint the blue sky as they signal that another day is about to end is just amazing. It’s true what they say that nature is the greatest artist and sunset is a work of sublime beauty.
Want to spot the sunset as you catch a break from the city’s light pollution? Say no more because the spectacular view from Bunker Dive Resort is only 2 hours away from the metro. Thanks to these lovely photos taken by Via J. Magtoto, we can get a glimpse of the breathtaking beauty.
No filter needed, these straight out of camera snaps will make you want to board the bus and catch the next sunset in Batangas. Follow Via on Instagram at @viadanceswithfireflies for more amazing photos.
Love local destinations? Check out our article about Coron’s Malcapuya Island here.
Share your sunset photos in the comments!