Featured image by The Backyard Studios
Out of 14 well-known wedding videographers all around the world, our very own Jason Magbanua was recognized as one of 2019’s most influential wedding videographers!
Jason Magbanua was featured in Select Music Library’s blog. It was highlighted that Jason was the first known wedding filmmaker to produce a same-day-edit at a higher caliber than any highlight film or trailer from any other company during the 2006 world competition at the WEVA conference.
Yup, we can all say that Jason Magbanua is the Father of SDEs. It became legendary when he pulled off a same-day-edit video. What else is he known for? His creativeness with framing and color took the game a bit higher in the industry.
Jason Magbanua already bagged a whole lot of international awards and has hundreds of clients praising all his works. And considering all those amazing recognition, Jason remains the humble person that he is.
Ever dreamed of Jason Magbanua shooting for your wedding? Yup, we do too! Check out all his amazing works HERE.
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