Heart Evangelista recently shared on social media that she will be donating over 500 tablets to students in need with the aim of aiding their online studies as the country shifts into a ‘new normal’.
She posted a call-out on her Twitter page last June 4, asking students who don’t have tablets for online schooling to message her on Instagram. Heart said she would “do the best [she] can” to help everyone out.
The fashion icon followed through on her promise by purchasing 550 tablets for ‘angels’ with the proceeds from one of her very own paintings.
My struggles in life are unknown to many but art, fashion and expressing myself has always helped me cope with my not so fairytale life.The time, hardwork and love that I put out in this artwork was well worth it as the proceeds have allowed me to purchase 550 tablets for angels pic.twitter.com/5lQTY2mhI9
— LoveMarie O. Escudero (@heart021485) June 6, 2020
(LOOK: Heart Evangelista Responds to Critics About Her Online Image)
“My struggles in life are unknown to many but art, fashion and expressing myself has always helped me cope with my not so fairytale life,” Heart tweeted.
“The time, hardwork and love that I put out in this artwork was well worth it as the proceeds have allowed me to purchase 550 tablets for angels.”
Along with the tweet was a couple of photos depicting the boxes of tablets for donation as well as the painting which funded said donation.
The commitment comes as netizens criticize her for being “out-of-touch” and “privileged.” While not necessarily a response to that, it is just another act that shows how Heart uses her platform to forward her causes despite her privilege.
What do you think about this?
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