Detox Juice: Juicing Your Way To A Cleaner You With The Daily Jusa!
“Detox Juice” is probably one of the most searched thing on the webs right now. After all,ย non-stop partying, smoking and eating can all take a toll on our bodies. Well, The Daily Jusa got your back. Juicingย in itself has become a phenomenon for health buffs over the past few years but is not really a new thing. Jack LaLanne: The Godfather of Fitnessย has actually been promoting juicing (and living a healthy lifestyle) for the longest time now. After eating my way from one food assignment to another and not including my own personal binges, I decided to take on juicing, if even just for a day.
A bag containing 8 bottles ofย coldย pressed detox juiceย arrived from The Daily Jusaย recently, promising to cleanse and detoxify my tired and abused body without making me hungry and while helping me lose weight to boot.ย I had never tried juicing for an entire day (or ever, for that matter), so I had my doubts. But heck, why not, right?
As I started to read the instructions for this detox juice, I learned that I was supposed to drink all of the 8 bottles in a day. All this time, I thought that it would just be 1 bottle a day! I also had to drink 1 tea in the morning and 1 before bed. 2 bottles of The Dailyย Jusaย would also need to be taken each meal time with at least 1 bottle of the greens. 1 bottle was to be taken every 2 or 3 hours with nothing but water in-between.
No smoking (which I fortunately don’t), no strenuous activities (that includes the gym!), don’t talk about Fight Clubย (which I didn’t) and no solid food, no solid food, no solid food, no solid food!ย What in the world did I get myself into this time?
I tend to get hungry almost every hour (and I thought that juicing was fun?) so this was definitely going to be a challenge for me. For the spirit of it, though, I obliged and strictly followed the instructions (except for the timeframe that was indicated due to the nature of my work shift).
So I went to the nearest tapsihanย and had one last hurrah of tapsilog with extra egg knowing that it would be a long day the following day. There are just so many rules to this juicing thing.
Detox Juice: Juicing Your Way To A Cleaner You With The Daily Jusa!
12:30 P.M.:ย A glass of water and the Roasted Dandelion Tea.ย No coffee for the day, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be. You can actually taste the nuttiness of the tea due to the roast.
Showered, dressed and ready to go.
1:30 P.M.ย Breakfast: Drinking 2 bottles before I go. I chose the Green Energizer (broccoli, romaine, papaya, mustard leaves, pineapple, lemon) and the Lemon Flush (lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, water),ย hoping that they would give me enough energy to survive the day. After having my first taste of the cold pressed juice,ย I realised that it was fizzy and it felt like I wasย drinking soda, except that the Green Energizerย tasted a bit like a salad and the Lemon Flush tasted like good lemonade – with a bit of heat emanating from it. It was a weird sensation to get from a chilled drink, but it did fill me up!
4:30 P.M. 1st Break:ย Better Bitter (arugula, apple, pear, lemon) was the next choice. I was choosing all of the fruitier flavored ones because I am just not used to the taste of juiced vegetables.
This one has a strong arugula flavour to it, but with a very pleasant apple and pear aftertaste that I did not mind at all.
Still not hungry.
7:00 P.M. Lunch: Cucumber Coolerย (cucumber, celery, lemon, ginger) I was actually expecting that this one would have a milder flavour. It was kind of spicy and too bitter for my liking, but not bad at all. The Green Energizerย was chosen to keep me awake and energized.
Getting some weird looks from co-workers due to all of the juice I’m drinking.
9:00 P.M. 2nd Break: Theย Vitality Boostย (watermelon, spinach, mustard leaves, grape) To be honest, I was avoiding this one because I had no idea what the taste would be like. Spinach and mustard leaves? Hey, why not?
By this time, I still did not feel any hunger, but I did get a heavy craving for meat. What would I give for some roast beef? But nope, I can do this. I shall soldier on.
12:00 M.N. Dinner: Code Redย (watermelon, tomato, bell pepper, beets, grape) andย Clean Greenย (cucumber, romaine, broccoli. celery, apple)ย for the last meal of the day. I started off with the Code Red and was once again pleasantly surprised because of how good it was. I was a bit wary of the bell pepper and beets, but the watermelon and the grapes overpowered their flavors. While I was drinking theย Clean Green, I couldn’t help but think about how good of a salad it would have been if I added some roasted chicken bits and strips to the mix.
3:00 A.M. Time to Sleep: The Smooth Move Peppermint Teaย was all that was left before ending the 1-day program. At this point, it had been 24hrs since the last time I had had any solid food in my stomach. I was somewhat still surprised that I was alive, seeing as how I predicted that I would be rolling in hunger by this time.
The next morning after my normal breakfast, I felt a little light, energetic and not bloated and heavy, which I admittedly felt during the past couple of weeks. Hey, there must be something to this juicing thing, after all. I think I will need to try the 3-day program in order to feel the full effect, though. Meat lover that I am, I might have to pass, though. I don’t think I have the patience to last 3 days without solid food. To those who can, though: kudos to you!
Give your body a break once in a while, do The Daily Jusa,ย and make juicing a habit!
Want to know more alternatives in detoxing? Check this out:ย Bikram Yoga Makati: The Perfect 90-Minute DeTox
The Daily Jusa
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