In 2016, the long-awaited “continuation” to the beloved Harry Potter book series came to life in the form of the “Harry Potter and The Cursed Child” stage play, currently running at London’s West End. The play’s script was also released in book form, which fans all over the world went gaga over. The books were pre-sold, there were midnight sales, and the books sold out pretty quickly.
To Potterheads, the wizarding world was resurrected (although it never really died, tbh) and all is right in the world again.
But here’s something to be excited more about. Rumors are flying that a Harry Potter and The Cursed Child film trilogy might be in the works. And that, according to an article by The LAD Bible, the series’ original cast, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint, were already approached regarding possibly reprising their famous roles as wizards.
According to the article, journalist Jim Hill said on the Unofficial Universal Orlando Podcast: “I have heard that Warner Bros. has actually had conversations with [Emma], with Rupert, and, of course, Daniel about Cursed Child, because they want this to be, for lack of a better term, Harry Potter: The Force Awakens.”
He adds: “They want this trilogy of movies to have the actors that we know and love from the original films, that we watched grow up, as adults. And, of course, they’re hiring a bunch of new, younger actors to play their children with the hope that, if we can lean on JK, maybe there’ll be The Cursed Adolescent.”
What do you think of this rumor? Do you think Warner Bros. should make a Harry Potter and The Cursed Child films? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!