
Curated Kitchen MNL’s Garlic Cheese Bombs are the Bomb

When it comes to food, cheese is one of my ultimate weaknesses. However, if I’m being honest, what really caught my eye at Curated Kitchen MNL was their tteokbokki bake and their unagi sushi tray. The garlic cheese bombs were kinda just there… until I tasted them and found myself swimming in cheese heaven, that is!

College student Bianca Tan started her small food venture during the ECQ. She would watch her mom cook and help her out in the kitchen. Eventually, Bianca started looking up recipes on her own and watching baking and cooking videos until she decided to make various goodies for her family. From there, she was inspired to share her love for food, cooking, and baking with others – and I’m so glad she came to that decision!

Curated Kitchen MNL Garlic Cheese Bomb 2

Photo from Curated Kitchen MNL

Curated Kitchen MNL has these fantabulous garlic cheese bombs on the menu. For only Php275, you will get nine of these soft and chewy garlic buns filled with cream cheese and mozzarella that will just melt in your mouth and make you grab another… and another… and another…

Curated Kitchen MNL Garlic Cheese Bomb 1

Photo from Curated Kitchen MNL

If you love cheese as much as I do, these babies are an absolute must-try!

Bianca shares that her mom and her aunt played a huge role in guiding her to ensure that all of her food was handled well andย  that the quality was maintained. “The first few weeks of selling were definitely an eye-opening experience for me as I learned how to balance my time and work with the current situation we are all in,” she adds.

At the moment, Curated Kitchen MNL offers the following on their menu:

Curated Kitchen MNL Menu

Photo from Curated Kitchen MNL

Bianca shares that she chose these particular menu items because they were the dishes that her family really enjoyed over quarantine, and I am sure you will enjoy them all, too!

Curated Kitchen MNL accommodates orders all around the Metro on a pickup basis. This can be done through personal pickups or via delivery services like Grab and Lalamove. They also only prepare orders on the day they are to be picked up to ensure freshness. As such, they recommend consuming their items immediately. However, if you want to keep some for the days ahead, you can store them in the refrigerator and just reheat them as needed. ๐Ÿ™‚

Make sure to try all of their menu items because they are all worth it!

Curated Kitchen MNL


Instagram: @curatedkitchenmnl

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