Caught on Cam: Riding in Tandem Holdup Along Mindanao Ave.

Caught on Cam: Riding in Tandem Holdup Along Mindanao Ave.



When in Manila, crimes happen even in broad daylight. We have known about motorcycle riding in tandem along C5 at night and another riding in tandem that brings a martilyo (hammer) where they could smash your car’s window to steal your belongings, but this new incident happened during day time, just around the victim’s shop.

So, we do our best to spread the word and remind each other to be mindful of our surroundings and be very vigilant. It pays to be extra careful.

This information was given to us by Anne de Vera Giron, a video that shows a riding in tandem holdup that happened to her husband’s uncle, Jhun Giron, just this afternoon along Mindanao Ave.

From the footage, it showed that it happened at around 5:43-5:44PM.

Riding in Tandem Mindanao Ave 

The video is just about a minute long. That’s how fast everything happened.


According to the Facebook comments, the necklace of the victim was what the assailants took.

Riding in Tandem Mindanao Ave (2) 

Please be careful wherever you go. Spread the word so we can warn more people about this.




Caught on Cam: Riding in Tandem Holdup Along Mindanao Ave.