Category: Trending & Features

2009 Philippine Blog Awards PRIZES!

2009 Philippine Blog Awards PRIZES!

So... just FYI... has a booth at the 2009 Philippine Blog Awards (Oct 9 Friday) and we'll be giving away these cool (and expensive) prizes!!! So stop by the booth for your chance to …

Positive Thoughts

POSITIVE THOUGHTS... positive thoughts.... I got sunshine... on a cloudy day... When it's cold outside... I'm in the month of May... EVERYBODY SING WITH ME!!!! Well I guess... you'd say... what can make me feel …

Lia’s Cakes in Season Avocado Cake Desserts

Discovering the Avocado Cake at Lia’s Cakes in Season was one of the major revelations in my life… (next to discovering the remote control and boobs). But I swear there aren’t enough yummy dessert places …