Black Mirror Creator is Thinking of Expanding the Series to VR!

Black Mirror has a handful of episodes that tackle virtual reality as a source of very bad things happening. But what if we also get to experience Black Mirror episodes in virtual reality?

In an interview with Deadline, series creator Charlie Brooker talked about the possibility of expanding Black Mirror into the VR space.

“Going forward I hope you’ll find that interactive becomes another genre, or approach, or style [of storytelling] along the lines of a musical,” he said. “I actually had an idea for a VR port of ‘Bandersnatch,’ which you could do very easily,” Brooker hinted. “Somewhere down the line, when these things are remastered, you could see things being remastered into VR.”

striking vipers

‘Striking Vipers’ Black Mirror | Netflix

Black Mirror’s VR-related episodes include USS Callister, San Junipero, and the recently released, Striking Vipers. There’s also Bandersnatch, which is a standalone movie where the audience gets to experience making choices for the characters akin to games like The Walking Dead or Until Dawn although it isn’t a fully-fledged VR movie yet.

A Black Mirror episode where we actually get to experience it in VR sounds like an exciting adventure waiting to happen!

[ALSO READ: WATCH: Miley Cyrus Performs as Her ‘Black Mirror’ Persona, Ashley O]

Do you want to experience Black Mirror in VR?